my dads an assasin, gee, you picked a great job dad! 38

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I came to eventually.

Things went back to normal-what you can call normal for me anyways-and school progressed. I stayed on the top of the social food chain. The guys still wanted me even thoug they'd learned by now that I was the girl that broke hearts, not the one that got her heart broken. I'd never really given my heart to anyone so i'd never had it broken, it had happened once but It wasn't like what most girls went through. I hadn't gotten very close to him.

We kept moving.

Things changed and then settled into normalicy.

Again and again.

Names flew by. I faded and appeared.










name after name. Identity after identity. new me after new me.

Eventually dad had to move again because of his job. He didn't want me comming along for some reasons he wouldn't voice. He dissapered three days later. I don't know where he went or where he was. I tried to track him. i swear I tried my hardist but there was no trace of my dad. At some point I got a letter from him. I don't know how it got there, and I still wasn't able to find him through the letter. He wanted to drop me off at a friend because he knew that I still wasn't fit to survive on my own for very long so he dropped me off with a friend on his.

I got on the plane and it took me away. I wasn't leaving anything behind. Aside from my dad.I "d been away from him before. All of us knew we'd have to leave our parents protection and go off on our own eventually, but not now. I was still to young, I still didn't know enough to be on my own so I was hurled into another family. Different people. Assasins that were close friends of my dad.

They met me at the airport and they drove to the house they were living in now. They''d just assumed thier new identies, so I just changed my last name. Lauren Shane. Daughter of Jackson and Lilly Shane.

A month later I finally got some contact from my dad.He called and I answered the phone. I tried for weeks in vain to track the call. My dad wasn't an idiot. He'd taken precautions. I wasn't able to find where he'd called from. I kicked the computer and threw myself on my bed. The bed that wasn't mine. It was painful to be away from my dad. I didn't know if he was dead or alive.It scared me. this life was hard enough with all the help he could and would give me, but know it was like I was on my own.

The people my dad left me didn't push me for answers. They left me alone for a while and gave me time to get over it.

Lilly Shane had blue eyes and blond hair.

Jackson Shane had black eyes and black hair.

I had Jackson's hair and Lily's eyes so they could pass for my parents. We spoke mostly English in the house though Lilly and Jackson prefered to speak Russain. After a while I started speaking Rusain instead of English. It didn't matter to me what language was spoken. In truth, I was sick of the English language. I longed for a different language. I longed for the German that made everyone sound angry all the time, I longed for musical Spanish, I longed for the flowing French that danced off my tongue. I prefered the Russain to the English and those two didn't seem to care so we got along just fine with our Russain.

We had dinner toghether as if we were a family, we played violent games of monoply that usually ended in someone pulling a gun or a knife because someone got accused of cheating. Curses in forgein languages flew across the table. Wrestling matches usually ended in bruises, scrapes, cuts, dislocated joints, it was typical family time for assasins. I'd had some of this time with my dad, but never with my mom. She's never been there.

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