my dads an assasin, gee, you picked a great job dad! 19

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After about a week the Prince started to improve. He could actually hold his sword the right way, he didn't freak out when he got blisters-well, not now that he knew they wouldn't kill him-and he could actually hit the side of a house with the sword now.

The King still gave him hell because he kept loosing to a girl. I felt bad for this man, he was leaving his entire country in the hands of that boy who relied on his guards to save him frm everything.

 The Queen only ever watched the first few minutes because the minute she saw drop of blood she ran away screaming in panic because this was to violent for her eyes, the gore to much for her delicate heart, the exposure to such horros to much for her delicate heart.

The guards weren't allowed to arrest me, excecute me, or throw me in the dungeons because the King had made it an actual law. My dad found this law very funny. I just found it weird. The Prince was enraged because 'a filthy peasent' was touching him-no you idiot, my swords the only thing touching you. Its not my fault that you can't block my sword no matter how slow I attack you, Its not my fault you can't even hold the sword the right way.

A bunch of people showed up to watch His Royal Pain In The Ass get his pampered ass get kicked by a girl. By the time we'd finished fighting His Royal Pain In The Ass was unconscious and I only had two scapes and one cut that I got from falling really hard on the floor.

The King was mad at his son.

The Queen fainted when she saw me.

Lunch was  okay-it would have been better if i'd even known one thing that was on my plate-and I made a mental note to learn whatever language this was In. I found a few things that I recognized. I ate those and ignored the rest of the food.

There were about a million deserts-okay, no seriously, I took one bite of each and when I was about to bust-I only ate the deserts because I didn't know any of the other food-there were more comming. I literally got full off of the deserts and there were more still comming. An hour later-a couple million deserts later-the meal ended. The King, Queen, and His Royal Pampered Ass left the table. I did to.

I saw the servants come to clean up our meal. I felt bad, I wasn't used to being so pampered. I almost missed being allowed to make my own bed, make my own breakfast, wear my old ripped blue jeans, wear a shirt that still passed for white. I got so sick of all this great food that people would die to eat that I literally bribed the cook with a couple grand to sneak me a few Whoppers.

I had to wonder if these people knew how to do anything for themselves, what would happen to them if all of thier servants were somehow freed? How would they survive without thier cook to make thier food? Witout the tailor to measure them to make thier clothes fit them perfectly? The maid to fill up the tub and dump in all the bubbles, scented oils, and flower petals? witout the maid to massage thier tired sore feet after only taking a few small steps around thier house.

The King and Queen started trying to use me to gain some edge politically. They thought that they could use me as a pawn. That was what they saw me as. Just a pawn that they could order around. Thats what I was to them. A pawn. They didn't see an Assasin, they didn't see a person, all they saw was a pawn that did what they wanted, a stupid pawn that only awiaited orders, a pawn that wouldn't function witout them to order it around.

 Lets just say that it backfired because my dad had taught me how politics worked. I wasn't just some pawn that they had wrapped around thier finger. I was able to techically insult them witout insulting them. Now the whole world knew that thePrince was not fit for war. I was able to say with with different words so that technically, i didn't acutallly say that the Prince was nt fit for war. I only implied it.

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