Happy anniversary - ST

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Request from @dream_27

Cassandra and Stuart had been together for a year in one day, and soon Stuart would go to Google and go on the internship and hopefully win. Cassandra believed with all of her heart, that he'd win, no matter what. 

She just knew he'd win and she would be beyond happy for him. 

Stuart planned an one year anniversary for him and Cassandra, he wanted it to be perfect. They might have been together only a year tomorrow but to Stuart, it felt like a longer time and they did tell each other that they loved each other three months of being together. It was like a fairy tail for both of them. A love story picked from a book or a movie and they loved it, they loved how good their realtionship was. Everyone loved how it was, everyone knew their realtionship and shipped it with their hearts. Everyone thought it was cute as hell. 

Stuart was going to come over to Cassandras place and pick her up and then bring her to his secret place where they'd have a great time together, but he was so nervous that she wouldn't like it, but he knew she would. She always did. 

Stuart could only for the whole day be on the phone and text Cassandra, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. He would miss her so much when he'll go to Google, but she was just so proud of him and his smart brain. 

"I'm picking you up around six tomorrow?" Stuart asked into the phone as he was laying on his bed, thinking about tomorrow and just couldn't wait to finally see her again, after two days only but still they missed each other so much. 

"Yepp, sounds amazing" Cassandra grinned into the phone as she was as well laying on her bed, thinking about what Stuart planned for tomorrow, all she knew that he wanted her to look good as she always did he said and not to wear too fancy clothes. 

Cassandra tried to hard to think about what that boy had planned for them, but she had no idea what he planned, he could be so sneaky sometimes. 

"Great, see you tomorrow, love you" He said grinning into the phone as he said the words he loved to tell her every single day. 

"I love you too" She said back and ended the call and went to bed or mostly tried. She couldn't stop thinking about her boyfriend, his handsome face, those eyes of his and mostly his lips against hers. She missed just seeing him and hearing his voice again even though it was just a few minutes ago they talked. They already missed each other, so easily. 


As soon as Cassandra woke up, she took a shower, ate breakfast and then decided to get ready since she had no idea what to wear on this special date. 

Fancy but not too fancy.


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Cassandra was right now sitting outside of her own place, waiting for Stuart to come since he just texted her to go outside cause he would be there any minute, but that was ten minutes ago. 

"SORRY IM LATE" Stuart yelled as soon as he got out of the car and ran over to her. 

"I had to buy these for you" He grinned and gave Cassandra a bouquet of red roses. Cassandra looked at him with love filled in her eyes.

"Thank you so much babe, they're lovely" She grinned and gave him a kiss as she then left them at home in water and then they were on to their date, yet both of them was a bit nervous over the date, mostly Stuart cause he wasn't sure she'd like the place he picked and Cassandra cause she had no idea where they were going.

"You look amazingly beautiful as always" Stuart said in the car as his right hand was on her thigh.

"Thank you, you look handsome as always, my prince" Cassandra grinned and blushed, as he did the same. He couldn't help himself, he had to smile whenever she smiled, he loved it when she smiled so he had to smile as well. It was so beautiful whenever his girlfriend smiled, it was one of the most beautiful things about her. Her wonderful, shiny smile that he loved that he was the cause of. 

They were on the road for another ten minutes before they finally got to the place Stuart picked. They went into the woods, a waterfall was infront of them. It was a place that only Stuart and his friends knew about since ever since they were little, they went here with their bikes all the time to just chill and have a great time away from their family problems. 

"It's lovely" Cassandra grinned and took Stuarts hand as he held a bag filled with food, a present to her and a champagne bottle just because it was their first year together. It was very special to both of them and he had to make it perfect, just for his queen. 

"I'm glad you like it, I was always here as a kid" He grinned and took out a blanket near the waterfall that they could sit on as they ate some good food Stuart made just for her, and he doesn't really cook often so this was beyond special. 

They sat down and ate as they talked about everything, they talked about how nervous he was to go to Google and that he'd miss her a lot. 

"I have an idea" She grinned taking one of his hands to play with. 

"How about I come with you, not to Google but live with you at the hotel?" She asked him and saw how big his smile got. 

"Really?" He whispered, rubbing his thumb on her hand.

"Really" She nodded back as Stuart went in for another kiss. 

"Happy anniversary queen"






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