Chapter five

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The rest of the interview was Condrey talking to Beau, Daniel, Luke, Jai and James, and asking them questions while Hailey, Ivy, Clara, Blaire and me walked off stage and watched them six of them talking.

Steffie came up to us and told us that we could go back to our floor and get ready for tomorrow being that we would be in the real arena.

We walk into the elevator and go up to our floor, we all changed into pyjamas and then met up on the floor in the living room. I brought face scrubs, Hailey had brought facemasks, Ivy had brought nail polish, Clara had brought oils for a massage and Blaire had brought candles. And as you could guess we was having a spa night, all of us are going to each other's face and nails, so that we would be relaxed for tomorrow.

After we had finished we said our goodnights and we went to bed.

The morning soon came, Steffie had came into my room saying that Ocean would be here soon and I needed to of had a shower before so Ocean could get me ready.

Walking into my bathroom, I get a shower, scrubbing all the dirt from the night before and washing my hair with my lemon shampoo and conditioner and my body wash. I shave my arms, legs and under arms before getting out and putting a towel around my body and hair as I wait for Ocean to come.

Just as I sit on my bed, there is a knock on my door, "come in!" I shout, the door opens slowly and Ocean comes in with a makeup bag and a clothes bag in hand. She sets everything down next to the mirror and tells me to sit in the chair so she could begin getting me ready.

I sit down holding the towel around my body as she starts brushing my hair before drying it and putting it in a messy bun with baby hairs shaping my face. She then begins doing my makeup, only the basic things such as foundation and waterproof mascara.

When Ocean finished my makeup, she gave me the clothes from the bag and told me to get dressed in the bathroom.

After changed I walked back into the bedroom and walked over to Ocean. "Now go meet everyone in the living room, I won't see you until you come out of the first arena so I can get you ready for the next. So you need to get through." She says before shoving me out of my bedroom and closing the door so I could walk into the living room where everyone was.

Steffie then told us that we would be taken to an unknown place that only the game makers know about so we had to be taken to a vehicle that would transport us to the arena.

The five of us then got taken down this grey hallway, five doors along it, each door we went passed one of us got taken in it, first was Hailey, then Ivy, then Clara, then me and lastly Blaire in the last door.

The room was the same colour as the hallway: grey, it is a dull room with no windows just a glass tube in the furthest corner of the room.

I'm taken close to the tube and the man who was in here with me speaks. "You are going to get in the glass tube, then you will be lifted up into the arena, where the klaxon will go off as the games start, you are then allowed to get off and further instructions will be told when you get in there." I step into the tube and the glass door closes, I begin to be lifted up and as I get closer to the end I could see light, not just light but I could also see trees.

As I reach the top I stop and look at my surroundings, it seemed as if I am in a forest of some sort.

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice talking. "Girls welcome to this year's games first arena. Every girl is in a place in the forest, but you all need to find the opening where backpacks will be with your name on, only take yours. Inside the backpack will have everything you will need and further instructions."

The klaxon goes off and I run forward trying to find a tall tree to climb so I could see where the opening is to get my backpack.

Climbing the tallest tree I could see I make my way up until I was taller than the other trees and look around, the opening is about a ten minutes walk, or a five minutes run. Getting down the tree I make my way towards the opening, I start by walking, and then jog the rest of the way. Running towards the backpacks I such for my name, once I found it I picked it up and run from the opening. When I got a good distance, I knelt down and opened the backpack.

Inside there is a metal water flask that is empty, so I need to find water to fill it up. There is also some rope, and a bikini, I don't know why we would need one of those. Pulling everything else out I find a piece of paper at the bottom of the bag, I pull it out and begin to read it.

Dear competitor,

For your first challenge you have to find a toy minion, there are 30 minions all over this arena. When you find one you, need to keep hold of it until the end. If you lose it or someone takes it from you, you need to get another one before the challenge is over. The 35 girls without a minion at the end of challenge will go into a vote to the public, the one that has most votes will go through the next round and to the next arena.

Good luck, and may your pigs be ever dirty.

The husband games: The janoskians edition | Wattys 2016 | completed Where stories live. Discover now