34- War

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Norway stands there baffled. "Wait, why do they need us? I mean like, why not others? We have children. We can't just drop everything to go fight in war." He says, looking back at the playing kids.

"Boss just called and said we had to. Something about being neutral for too long. I don't know, he said they might invade us or something. He just said we needed to be there by tomorrow, or Japan could fall." Finland said, more tears falling.

Sweden walked up behind him and hugged him, nodding. "It's true. I already booked the tickets. We have a flight booked for tonight." He said, frowning.

"What about the kids? What's gonna happen to them??" Norway asked, tears in his eyes too.

"Well, Wy and Latvia can go back to their countries, and I already called Spain, England, and Germany to see if they could watch the kids for some time." Sweden said bluntly, frowning at the children.

"So who are they staying with then?"

"America, England, France, and Canada said that they can watch the children for as long as we need. Germany and Italy are already in Japan and fighting." He said.

Denmark walks up behind Norway, hugging him and crying into his shoulder. "This is so stupid...I don't wanna leave them..." He stated sadly, picking up Norway slightly.

"Yeah...same..." Norway was now full on crying. He knew that they had to go and help, but still. It's not like they had a choice anyway.

Aletta runs up and tugs on Denmark's pant leg. "LOOK MATTY! I killed him!" She said happily, not even realizing what was going on. She looked up at him, her smile instantly going away. "What's going on. What did I miss." She looked up at Lukas. "What's going on Lukey?" Aletta said with tears in her eyes.

Denmark let him down and Norway picked the girl up, hugging her tight. "I don't know baby girl. But one of our allies are in trouble and boss said he needs us ASAP. I don't know when we'll be back, but we will. So don't worry." He gives her a sad smile as tears stream down her face. "Be good. Okay? We'll be home before you know it." He tells her, the girl bawling now.

"I've got to start packing, little one. Please go with Latvia." She didn't let go. "Aletta I don't know if you know how much this hurts me too. But I'm serious." She lets go of him and he sets her down on the floor. "I love you more then you could ever imagine." He kisses the little one on the head, her tears continuing to fall.

Norway calls Latvia over and tells him what's going on, the small country starting to cry too. "When will you be home?" He asks Lukas, rubbing his eyes with a fist.

"I don't know, to be exact. But when we do know, I will call you right away." He hugs the boy and then calls over Kaylee, telling her that she has to go home to Australia. The girl cries, screaming that they can't go, that they'll die if they leave. Finland picks up the girl and hold her as she cries into his jacket. "Calm Kaylee...shhhh...we'll be fine"

Denmark runs to Aletta, crying, and hugs her. Kissing her head over and over, he wipes his tears and gives her to Iceland who does the same, then to and Finland.

Meanwhile, Sweden and Norway are upstairs packing their stuff to leave. Sweden comes back downstairs with the suitcases, and sees Finland hugging their two crying boys. "Mama, do you really gotta leave?" Sealand says, sniffling. Finland nods, wiping away the boys tears.

Denmark is on the couch with Aletta, crying and hugging the girl, telling her it will all be okay, even though they really don't know if it will. Norway runs down, pushing past Sweden, and going straight towards Aletta and Matthias, crying as he says his goodbye to Aletta.

Iceland comes down the stairs with Wy in his arms, her bag in his other hand. He's trying to keep the girl calm as he sets her down on the ground and wipes away her tears.

A few minutes later, there's a car horn outside, and England is there to take the kids; Australia behind him in the car, waiting for Kaylee.

After one last goodbye, the children crying their eyes out, Aletta cuddling with Norway's stuffed bunny that he gave her, and one of his fairies trailing behind each of the children, the children get into England's car and he drives off. Aletta's cries are heard as he drives away and it absolutely breaks Norway. Lukas breaks down once again, clutching onto Iceland and Denmark.

About ten minutes later, the oldest nations grab their stuff and load it into the taxi waiting for them, then drive off to the airport, leaving 3 children for an unknown about of time, crying on the plane as they get to Japan, and are sent into the only thing Norway promised wouldn't happen.


I know it's mad
But if I go to hell
Will you come with me or just leave?
I know it's mad
But if the world were ending
Would you just kiss me or just leave me?
Just leave me?

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