8- Bubble Bath With Me

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Okay so how does Lukas usually do this? Emil thinks to himself as he undresses the young girl. He starts filling up the tub with water, adding bubbles to it because the girl was just begging him to.

Aletta's eyes light up as she thinks of an idea. "CAN YOU BUBBLE BATH WITH ME??" She asks, jumping around Emil.

He looks confused at her. "You want me to do what?"

"PLEASSEEEEE! I'll be good!" She begs him, and he finally gives in, undressing into just his boxers and stepping into the bath with her.

She giggles and splashes him in the face, Emil splashing her back. They play like this for what seems like forever, the fight turning into an all out war, getting water everywhere. Like I'm not even Kidding, they got water on the ceiling, if that's even possible.

Like bish you broke the laws of physics.

After a while though, there's a knock on the door. Berwald opens the door and stares at the two, scolding them. "Emil, you were supposed to give her a bath. Not flood the place." He says, crossing his arms.

Emil mumbles a sorry, looking to Aletta, who was pouting at the Swedish man at the door.

"I'm serious. Finish up or I'm gonna get Tino in here." He says and walks out the door.

Emil mumbles something, incoherent to Aletta, and starts washing her off.

He unplugs the tub, what little water was left going down the drain. He gets up, wrapping the girl and then himself in towels, and then walks to his room with her in his arms.

He sets her down on the bed and rummaged through his clothes, but he couldn't find any of his old nightshirts. So he just pulls out an old band tee and walks back the girl.

He dries her off and does her hair. He's actually quite good at braiding, Aletta finds out. Emil puts the shirt on the girl and then tucks her into his bed, kissing her forehead, before walking back over to his dresser for a dry pair of boxers. He quickly changes into them and then dries off his hair.

Iceland walks back to his bed and crawls in with the girl, cuddling her to himself. "Good night little sister..." He mumbles before falling into he dark obis we call sleep.

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