5 1/2- That Idiot Dane

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Aletta wakes up to the bed shifting. It's still
Dark outside so she's confused why she's waking up.

She looks to the side, and then to the other side, only to see Denmark in his boxers, crawling into the bed. He holds Norway in his arms, smiling as he falls asleep again.

And Norway lets him do this??

Aletta lays back down, thoroughly confused, and is about to go back to bed, until she feels two arms wrap themselves around her too. She looks back; its Lukas. "I'm sorry little one. Did that idiot wake you up?" He asks, hugging her to his chest.

Aletta nods.

"Well I'm sorry. It was just Matt. Go back to sleep. It's like 4am." And with that, the three were out like a light.

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