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That day was the last day of this month's world meeting, and Aletta couldn't be happier; one reason because the Nordics didn't make her wear her stupid uniform today. Lol.

Her "I'm not gonna wear that fucking uniform if you put it on me imma fuckin burn it" face ⬇️

Her "I'm not gonna wear that fucking uniform if you put it on me imma fuckin burn it" face ⬇️

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The second day of meetings, was actually meetings, instead of whatever happened yesterday.

And damn was it boring.

Aletta sat in Norway's lap, playing on Emil's phone, who was actually really reluctant to give it to her, and blocking out everyone's yelling over stupid conflicts.

"When can we leave?" She looked up at Norway, who was also bored out of his mind, staring at the conflict between China and England.

"YOU CAN JUST STOP SELLING US TEA." England yells at the Chinese.

"YEZ I CANZ, ARU! JUSZ WATZCH ME!" China yells back at him, England looking as if he might cry.

Norway looked down at Aletta and smiled. "You wanna take a walk?" He asked her, the girl nodding as he stands up from the meeting and walks out the door, nobody really caring because nobody really had conflict with him.

They go outside, it still being a bit chilly as it was mid-March, but cherry blossoms were blooming all around them.

Snowland stared in awe at them, the pink color calling her name. She runs over to a tree, Norway following. "I WANT ONE!" She yells, pointing up at the tree.

Lukas nods, laughing a little before lifting her onto his shoulders. The little girl reaches up and grabs a flower, smiling as she tucks it behind Norway's ear, and then reaching up to grab another for herself.

Aletta is lifted off of Norway's shoulders, placed on the ground. The two walk for a while, coming across a field of flowers.

Her eyes light up as she gets an idea. "LUKEY! GRAB AS MANY FLOWERS AS YOU CAN, OK?" She yells, a serous look on her face.

Norway salutes her, smiling as the girl runs off.

About a half an hour later, the two nations had filled Norway's backpack, and each of their arms with flowers. "Now what are we gonna do with all of these, Aletta?" Lukas says, shifting the flowers in his arms, some rose thorns stabbing him.

"Ok. So. Just follow my lead." She says and starts walking back in the direction of the building.

Norway roles his eyes, but smiles and follows the small girl.


"Clouds are marching along, Singing a song, just like they do. If the clouds were singing a song, I'd sing along, wouldn't you too?" Aletta sings happily, dancing a round as she marches back to the world meeting.

"If you just knew what they could do
Oh, if you just knew, what would they do?" Norway continues, making the girl smile.

"And if the birds are just all the words flying along, Singing a song. What would they do?
If they just knew, what they could do. Oh, if they just knew." Aletta giggles as she skips along the road, Lukas watching her and smiling.

"Where did you learn that song, Aletta?" He asks her and she smiles up at him.

"Emil's phone had it. I don't know what it's called though, but I like it." She says, humming the tune. Aletta looks up from the ground and smiles. "We're here!! C'mon!" She yells, bursting through the door.

What does she have planned?? Norway thinks to himself.

The hall was almost empty, only people there being non-countries. All of the nations were still in the meeting.

Aletta made her way to the meeting room, the main one where the meeting was still going on.

She opens the door a crack and sees them discussing something stupid.

Snowland walks in, not drawing any attention, and creeps up to the table.

She starts off with Italy, who wasn't talking to anyone, just staring off into space. Aletta taps his leg, Italy looking down at the girl. She puts her finger to her lips, telling the Italian to be quiet, as she hands him three flowers and sneaks under the table.

Just fitting, she looks out at Norway. Aletta told him before to put the rest of the flowers into the backpack and hand it to Italy, so he did just that and then sat back down.

Italy puts the backpack under the table, Aletta smiling up at him as her plan is working. Now she has extra flowers if she needs them.

The little girl then taps on their legs from under the table, putting a finger to her lips to silence them, and then gives the three flowers, receiving a smile every time.

She does this to everyone, the last person being Germany, who had just stopped yelling at America. He smiles and blushes as she hands him the flowers, Aletta giving him a double thumbs up, her arm still broken and in the cast.

She then takes the rest of the flowers and crawls to the hole in the middle of the table with all of the flowers in her arms, and jumps out, throwing the flowers from her arms to all directions.

Aletta smiles as everyone gets happier, her cuteness affecting them. They laugh, everyone gushing over how cute she is.

She crawls out from under the table, giggling as everyone running over to her and enveloping her into a huge group hug.

I mean, I'm pretty sure she just proved herself as a country. Her ratings on Yelp just went up 150%. Lol.

Meanwhile, Russia's rating is at -789%.

I guess killing isn't the best productive campaign.

I hope you guys like the story so far! Thanks for 400 views or whatever you call them

~~~I hope you guys like the story so far! Thanks for 400 views or whatever you call them

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