12- Sweet Finnish Man

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The sweet Finnish man was told to go wake up the sleeping nations. And he intended to do this.

But upon opening the door to Denmark's room,  he found that the Snowland was adorably cuddled up next to the Danish man, sleeping soundly.

Now he couldn't separate that, could he?

Tino decided against it, taking a picture on his phone, before walking out and heading to Emil's room.

Now, upon opening Iceland's door, he had the intention to wake up the boy. But when he saw the two brothers cuddled up with each other, he knew he would probably be dead if he even tried waking them up.

So, he took a picture, fangirled over it for a few minutes, then left the room, closing the door quietly.

He walked back downstairs and food was already on the table. The Swedish man looked at him with a questioning glance, doing that thing with his hands like what the fuck, before shaking his head.

"Where are the others??" Berwald said, almost angry.

Tino rocked back and forth on his heels, his phone in his hand. "Weeelllll...they were too adorable to wake up." He whimpers, taking out his phone and showing the pictures her took to mr. Ikea.

He was not impressed.

"That's no excuse. Now go back upstairs and get them before I do it myself." He scolded Tino, the Finnish man pouting and walking back up the stairs to wake them up.

After about 5 minutes of literal hissing and crashes from the upstairs, 5 Nordics walked down the stairs; Aletta still asleep in Denmark's arms.

"See now how hard was that?" Berwald said to Tino, the man now had a scratch down the side of his face.

"Fuck you..."

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