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1 week later...

Banners and posters are hung around the Nordic house, the cake just being perfectly frosted by Finland.

They stand around the door and wait, all for except Aletta, who is pouting in the corner.

A car pulls up and a young boy steps out, a puppy in his arms. The door flies open. "SEALAND!!" Finland yells, enveloping the boy in a hug.

"Welcome back Peter!" Berwald says, smiling at the boy.

"Hi guys! I'm so happy to be home!" He sees Latvia and almost cried. "LATVIAAAA!" He yells, running up to his crush and knocking him down with a bone crushing hug.

"SEALAND!" Latvia kisses the boy over and over, smiling as his boyfriend is home.

Sealand gets up after a few minutes, looking around confused. "Now where's that girl that I've been wanting to see for such a long time?"

Norway points to Aletta in the corner, who is still pouting. Peter walks over to her and kneeled to her level. "You must be Aletta! Hello! I'm Sealand, but you can call me Peter." He says, the girl not looking up at him. "What's wrong?" He asks her after seeing that she wasn't responding.

She just sat there with this depressed look on her face. She looked up at him finally.

"They're gonna forget about me

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"They're gonna forget about me." She whispered, her bottom lip trembling. "You're gonna take them away."

Sealand looks at her, confused. He looks at Norway with a questioning look. Norway walks over, trying to pick up the girl, but she goes limb, making it difficult to pick her up. "Baby, c'mon." Lukas says, getting frustrated.

He finally picks her up, taking her upstairs to have a talk.

After about a half an hour, Snowland marches out of the room, a mad look on her face, as she stomped downstairs, Norway following behind her.

Aletta walks over to Peter, who was sitting on the floor, legs crossed and on his 3DS playing The Legend of Zelda. He looks up when he sees the girl, sitting criss cross in front of him.

"Hello Aletta!" He says cheerfully.

"I'm sorry." She whispers, her face going red.

"What for? You didn't do anything wrong!" He says poking the girl's cheek.

"Well they seem to think I did." She pointed at Norway and gave him a mean look. "Meany..."

"No you didn't. He's just being a meanie-kins right now because Denny banged him too hard last night. Am I right?" He looks over at the blushing nation.

But it's true btw

"Anyway, wanna go play in the treehouse?" He asks her, standing up.

"Lukey says I'm too little to go up there." Aletta says sadly. "Plus, Germany broke my arm." She flashes him the pink cast.

Peter looks up at Norway. "Can she go in the treehouse?" He shakes his head. "What if Raivis goes with?" He bargains with him, Norway thinking for a minute until nodding.

"YAY!" Sealand grabs the girl and Latvia, running with them to the backyard, the puppy following.

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