29- Lemonade

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"Yeah ok...okay...that's perfect!...then see you then!" Finland hangs up and goes back outside into the beginning heat of summer.

It was mid-May, the snow melted a few months ago, the three kids and puppy currently playing outside, Denmark playing along with them for some reason; Sweden sitting in the shade and reading the newspaper.

Finland grabs the tray of lemonade and brings it out. "LEMONADE! COME 'N GET IT!" He yells, the nations swarming like flies, grabbing the lemonade and downing it in a few sips, before thanking the Finnish country and running back off.

Norway and Iceland walk outside and sit at the table. "I heard you had lemonade?" They smile and take a glass each, watching the kids play.

Norway watched little Aletta play around. Her cast was removed a few weeks ago, everything seemingly healed perfectly. At this moment, she was riding around on Latvia's shoulders, chasing Sealand with a stick. Don't ask why, because nobody knows.

Norway laughed as he saw his boyfriend sweep Aletta off of Latvia and pin her to the ground and ticking her, the girl laughing so hard she was crying.

He turns to Tino. "So who was on the phone?" He asks, overhearing a bit of the conversation.

"OH! Wy's coming in a few days!" He says, clapping his hands together.

"That's good! It's always nice to have her around." He says back.

If you didn't know, Wy was one of Sealand's best friends, and every summer, she would come up because her place was just too cold. She would stay for three or four months, before going back to her country.

Sealand ran over at the sound of her name. "WY'S COMING?!? WHEEEEN??" He yells, jumping around. Tino grabs the boy into his lap and hugs him, calming him.

"She's coming in a few days. I'm pretty sure she's gonna stay for an extra month or so. They predicted this year's winter for her to be a cold one." He says, the boy in his lap jumping off and running around.

"YAAAAAAY!" He yells, running into Latvia and knocking him down.

"WHAT IS GOING ON??" He yells, the overly happy boy just laying on him.

"WY'S COMING FOR LIKE FIVE MONTHS OR SOMETHING!!!" He yells, Latvia looking confused.

"Why is she coming here?" He asks, Aletta sitting up and walking over to them.

"Yeah and who is she?" She asks, Denmark crawling over and setting her in his lap.

"Wy is a very nice girl. She comes here every summer because her place gets to cold." Denmark explains. "She is actually almost the same age as Sealand." He adds, petting the girl in his lap.

"And when is she getting here?" Latvia asks.

"In a day or two. So don't be surprised if there's another girl here in the morning." Norway says, walking over to them and sitting in the grass. He looks to Denmark. "And that means pants."

Matthias groans. "Ugh...fine...but only for the first few days. If she can't handle me, then she can leave." He says, rolling his eyes.

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