Densi Forever

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Hey guys, I'm starting this new fanfic about Densi from NCIS:LA. I'm continuing with the McAbby one as well I just wanted to give this a shot. Please comment and vote!

Deeks POV

Knock knock knock! I pound on the door. "Hello? Anyone home?" A tired, pissed of girl about 14 years old opens the door and stares at me in disbelief. "It's freaking SIX THIRTY IN THE MORNING  DEEKS!" She yells at me.

I walk past her inside the house. "I like what you've done with the place," I say. "I haven't done anything. It's exactly the same as it was when you checked up on me two weeks ago," she says, clearly annoyed I check in so often.

"Where's your old man?" I ask. "I dunno, probably drunk in some bar with a skank." I stiffen. "He left you here alone? This isn't exactly the ideal neighboorhood." "He leaves me alone all the time. I can take care of myself," she says, defensive.

"There isn't even a freaking LOCK on the DOOR!" I yell, throwing my hands up in frustration. She winces and puts her hands in front of her face for protection by force of habit. As soon as she realizes what she's done, she quickly puts her hands back down and straightens up.

"You're coming with me!" I say, pissed. "No," she says. But then she sees the look on my face and says, "Fine, just let me get ready."

Thirty minutes later we pull into the NCIS headquarters office. We walk in, with her in front because if she walks behind me she'll probably run. I walk over to my desk. "Sit." "I'm not a dog-" "Sit." She reluctantly sits down. We wait for thirty minutes, just sitting there in awkward silence. Right when I open my mouth to speak Kensi, Callen, and Sam all walk in.

Kensi looks surprised. "Who's this?" she asks. The girl straightens up and walks over to Kensi. "I'm Samantha ma'm," she says with a smile.

"Well hi Samantha, I'm Kensi Blye. Why did Deeks bring you here?" She asks, glancing at me. "Because he's a nutjob and an asshole," she says matter of factly. Kensi, Sam, and Callen all burst out laughing. "I like this girl," Callen says, and Samantha beams at him. "Me too," Sam says.

"But really Deeks, why is she here?" Callen asks. Samantha glances at me curiously. "She's here because...she wanted a tour....right Samantha?"A smile spreads across her face.

Everyone smiles at her. Nell walks by and Kensi quickly calls out to her, "Hey Nell, this is Samantha. Why don't you take her upstairs and introduce her to Eric and then show her how you do all that tech-y stuff."

Nell smiles and nods, "Come here, we've got this super cool room upstairs!" Samantha glances at me and I nod, so she walks up the stairs with Nell. She beams at her and they dissapear around the corner.

Everyone turns to look at me. "What the hell is she really doing here?" Callen asks. I sigh. Better tell them now. "She's related to an NCIS agent."

"Who?" Kensi asks. They all stare intently at me. I sigh and open my mouth then close it again. Open my mouth then close it. I do this over and over and over again until I figure out how to tell them. I'm just gonna lay it out there.


I look up to see they're all in complete shock. Kensi is the first to speak. "Wait, she's your..." "Sister. Well, half-sister. She's my dads kid. He had her with some prostitute and the prostitute left her on his doorstep. And my dad, being the model citizen he is, decided to keep her."

"And your dad, he...he doesn't, you know..." Kensi trails off. "Yeah, I think he does." I say, staring at the ground. I look up with tears in my eyes. "We have to get him guys. I see where she's living. She lives in the ghetto. There's no lock on her door, she sleeps on the ground with her only jacket as a blanket and all of the rest of her clothes as her pillow. There are beer bottles scattered all around the apartment and the slight smell of Meth and Coke. I know he's been hurting her. I just know it."

Densi ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now