Chapter 15

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Pomegranate blossoms above for future references.
I woke up alone. The side of the bed Hades had been on was cold. I wasn't sure if I was disappointed that he hadn't stayed or grateful because I most likely looked god awful with messy hair and I probably had bad breath to match. With that thought in mind I speedily got out of bed and headed to the closet. There I grabbed a random blue t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and rushed into the bathroom not thinking about where Hades was or even that he may have already been in there. So you can imagine my shock when I saw Hades in the shower. I hadn't even heard the running water! There was a milky shower door between us that kept me from seeing all his goods and only showed his outline but that was enough for me to high tail it out of there. I had dropped my clothes on the floor in my initial shock and it was to late to go back for them. So he was going to know I had been in there and that was mortifying. It's times like these I wished I could just dissappear. Now I have to wait and deal with it because it's my own fault. I brought it upon myself. I should've paid more attention.

A few minutes later he walked out of the bathroom in just a towel. I was sitting on the edge of the bed sulking when he did walk out and that was definitely a good distraction. Water was dripping from his hair and running down his chest and I refused to follow them down as that would probably lead to more embarrassment on my part. Curse him for being so attractive!

"So. I think you left some clothes in the bathroom" he said holding up the shirt I had grabbed from the closet. "You know there's this thing called knocking when you want to enter a room that's occupied? "

"Shut up I didn't know you were in there, and put some clothes on!" I said as I got up to grab my shirt from him. Once I had it in my grasp he wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned down whispering in my ear.

"Why? Does me not being dressed distract you? "

"NO!" I lied as I twisted out of his grasp and ran into the bathroom, locking the door and leaning against it, my heart thudding loudly in my chest.

"Liar" I hear him call. "I'm taking you on a tour when you're done in there" he said his voice fading as he got father away from the bathroom and headed towards the closet.

A tour? Now that could be interesting.

I took a speedy shower and decided to let my hair air dry as it was naturally straight anyways. I put on some liquid eyeliner, giving myself the cat eye look, added some mascara and called it good.

I exited the bathroom, threw my night clothes in a nearby hamper and slipped on my grey Vans tennis shoes. I was ready to go.

"You ready" I heard from behind me making me flinch at the sudden, unexpected noise.

" Yeah."

"Let's go then" he said grabbing my hand leading me out the door.

As we walked down the hall there was alot to take in. It had red walls with gold painted trim. There were small tables next to every door which held a vase filled with pomegranate blossoms. They filled the hallway with a beautiful smell. The carpet was a deep grey and was the softest I had ever felt. My feet easily sank into it. Once we reached the end there was another similar hallway to our right and a marble staircase to out left.

"The hall we were just in were my rooms and a few reserved for very special guests. The one to our right is the spare rooms for other guests."

I nodded in response and we headed left down the staircase. At the bottom was a large foyer that branched off in four directions. The flooring was marble here instead of carpet and a large chandelier hung from the ceiling making the area seem larger than it actually was.

"The hall directly in front of us leads to the kitchens and servants quarters. The far right leads to the front door. The left one goes to the two dinning rooms, one small and one large and it also leads to the ballroom. The last hallway to the farthest left goes to all the other miscellaneous rooms like the drawing room and the music room." He said pointing to each area as he explained them.

"Wow your house is big."

"Wait till you see the rest of my kingdom. But I'll show you that later. Right now I want to show you my garden if that's okay with you?"

"Yes! Let's go." I said getting excited. Gardening had always been a small hobbie of mine but I rarely had time to keep up with a garden of my own.

He smiled at my excitement and his blinding white grin distracted me. Actually everything about him seemed to distract me all the time. Smiling made him look younger and more carefree.

"You should do that more often."

"Do what, love?"
"Smile. It's a good look on you."
"Anything for you my dear." He said with a wink.

His flirting was getting way out of hand. It just wasn't fair because he was way better at it than me. I didn't even know how to flirt.

He led me down the servants quarters. These halls were less extravagant but still nice nevertheless. Plain grey walls paired with a creme carpet. Black silhouettes of vines pomegranates and their blossoms adorned the walls.
"Those were painted by the maid you met earlier. She's quite the painter. "

"Woah that's amazing."
As we were walking along we passed only a few spirits. Each nodded towards us in respect and I got many curious gazes. At the end of the hall was a large mahogany door carved with gold painted designs.

"Back door." Hades said opening it.

Bright light streamed in blinding me for a few seconds. When I regained my vision the sight before me literally took my breath away. There was greenery everywhere. A long stone path weaved in between everything. There were so many different plants I could never name them all. It was peaceful and beautiful. The soft sound of birds filled the air.

" There are birds here?"

"Yes. Plenty of other animals here too
They just wander in and come and go as they please. Although it's mainly cats that enjoy it here, thus the old wives tale that black cats are evil and are from hell. Scared quite a few mortals when they would just pop up out of nowhere."

We were walking that path for at least an hour and we still hadn't found the end of the garden. It was that massive. I feel like this is going to be my new chill spot.

Suddenly silence surrounded us. Not a single bird was singing. I felt Hades tense beside me and suddenly an intense pain flared up from my arm ripping a scream from my throat. I looked over and a crazed creature of some sort had his teeth buried in my left arm. It was shrouded in shadows and had long claws paired with the ugliest face that even a mother couldn't love.

Shock had taken over and I could no longer feel the pain in my arm. Quick as lightning Hades had grabbed the thing and pried it off of me, holding it by its neck. His eyes were a startling violet with red flecks. As he stared into the creature's dark eyes he opened his mouth sucking what seemed to be the things soul into himself. I watched as the creature crumbled to dust before me.

"What the hell?" I thought right before passing out, the memory of Hades' actions running through my mind.
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