Chapter 41:This is War

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Draco got released a week after the incident. The school year was coming to an end and we are all ready for summer. Draco decided that he was going to spend the whole day with me since we completed out transfiguration exams in the morning. Draco took me to a nice spot in the forbidden forest that was very pretty and full of light.

"I want you to stay in the common room tonight." Draco says playing with my hair.


"Business. Things I don't want to do but have to to keep you safe. "

"Ok. What time is this happening?"

"I'm not quite sure just be in the common room by 6. You should be safe." He says kissing my head.

"Are you nervous?"

"Absolutely terrified. But it'll give me reassurance if you would forgive me and still love me despite what happens tonight."

"Oh course." I say and kiss his cheek.

We stay in the forest until dinner. Draco sits quietly as the rest of us laugh and joke around.

After dinner I head to the common room like Draco asked me too. A few minuets later I here chaos coming from outside. despite the noise I stay in the common room until I hear my sister yell. That's when I leave you can't except me to do nothing when I hear my younger sister scream.

I run to find Ginny battling two death eaters. I quickly shoot a spell at one and Ginny shoots one at the either.

"Thanks." She says breathless.

"Of course."

We take off sprinting some more. Helping students fight off Deatheaters.

"No." I cry as I see bill getting clawed across the face by grey back. A terrible werewolf who loves to terrorize his victims.

I shout stupefy at him so he can't to anymore harm to bill.

Ginny, and I plus most of the order and the D.A are by the astronomy tower when we see it. The horrid dark mark in the sky. We all quickly run out on to the grounds were we see Dumbledore's lifeless corpse. We all gasp. The most powerful wizard is now dead. Dread instantly fills me without Dumbledore we don't have a chance. Aside from Harry but still we're pretty screwed.

In the corner of my eye I see Harry running after Snape  and and Draco?!? Oh god no please to tell me Draco killed Dumbledore. Please don't tell me that's his task. Snape, Draco, and the other death eaters get away and I run to Harry.

"Harry. Draco didn't. I mean he didn't-"

"Clove don't worry. Draco didn't kill him. Snape did. Draco didn't want any part of it but he said that voldemort would kill you if he didn't. " Harry says and walks over to the crowd around Dumbledore's body.

"I know. And I still love him." I whisper and follow Harry.

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