Chapter 25: Trouble With the Toad

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Umbridge is a total dictator. Mcgnagall some how found out about the blood quills Umbridge makes us use in detention and Mcgnagall was furious. So being the badass she is confronted the toad. The toad blew up on her saying she is was so offended and that she offend "by Extension the minister him self."so the toad called Mcgnagall loyal and wrote a letter to the minister complain about it.

Now she's the high inquisitor of hogwarts. She's basically the headmistress of hogwarts except she doesn't have the tittle. She's been posting this decrees like no Weasley wizard wheezes projects. Fred and George were mad as hell. Students of opposite gender must be 8 inches apart. All clubs including Quidditch must see her for approval. Slytherin got the approval right away but Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's team took awhile to be approved and the Gryffindor team is still waiting. She also formed a group called the inquisitorial squad. Hand picked by the toad. Made up of all Slytherins who enforced the decrees Umbridge set. Draco and Blaise were included in the group. They say they needed the extra but me and the girls were unsure. T. J declined saying she didn't want to be in that terrible group.

Umbridge also started to review teachers. Snape, Mcgnagall, Flitwick, all of them. But the hardest she was on was Hagrid and professor trelawney. The final straw was when the toad fired Trelawney .

Flash back

"Six. Sixteen years. I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this." Trelawney Weeped with a suitcase in hand.

"Actually I can." The toad smiles sweetly.

Now a crowd of students formed a circle around the two women. Then Mcgnagall broke through the circle and went to comfort Trelawney.

"Is there something you'd like to say?" The toad asks.

"There are several things I'd like to say." Mcgnagall snaps.

"Aw shhh." Mcgnagall says hugging Trelawney.

Then Dumbledore arrivedd

"Minerva please escort Sybil (Trelawney) back inside." Dumbledore says dismissing the two teachers.

"Come on dear." Mcgnagall says leading Trelwaneg back to the castle.

"Oh thank. Thank you head master." Trelawney said as she walked past.

"Dumbledore may I remind you under the terms of educational decree #23.." Umbridge began.

" you have the right to dismiss the teachers but you don't have the right to banish them from the ground." Dumbledore says. "That power remains for the head master.

"For now." The toad smiles sickly.

Dumbledore turns to the students." Don't you all have studying todo. "

Flashback over


"You coming to dinner." T. J asks pulling form my thoughts of Umbridge.

"Yeah. " I say and follow her out.

Sorry this chapter is sucky. It's a filler. I needed it to show how horrible the toad is but most of you probably now that. If you don't then you know now. I promise a better chapter tomorrow.

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