Chapter 12: The "three" Champions

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October 31st came fast. Through out the month students 17 and older put their name into the Goblet. Many under 17 tried to defeat Dumbledore's age line and tried to enter. For example my idiotic but lovable twin brothers brewed an aging potion and drank it. They then jumped over the line. Nothing happened at first but once they entered their names the goblet's fire pushed them out and they needed up having grey hair and beards. Tommy decided to enter. If he gets picked I'll be happy for him but I'm secretly hoping he won't because people can die in this thing. Classes have been ok but mad eye's are intense. On the first day of class he showed us the three unforgivable curses. He also can see everything. Like Seamus stuck  some gum on the bottom of his desk and mad eye called him out on it when his back was turned.

It's raining today. It's raining really hard. Like the world is crying for something or someone but I don't know who. Any way we're in the great hall anxiously waiting for the champions.

"Welcome. Now it's the moment you've all been waiting for. "Dumbledore said.

The goblet's pink fire turned blue and spit out a piece of parchment.

"The Beaubaxton champion. Fleur Delacour." Dumbledore announces. A fairly tall blonde girl stands up and we all clap and she goes into a separate room.

The goblet then changed back to pink and spit out another piece of parchment.

"The Durmastrong champion. Viktor Krum." Dumbledore announces. That's no surprise. And Viktor stands up and walks to separate room. Everyone is whooping and hollering for him.

The goblet then spits out one more price of parchment.

"The hogwarts champion. Cedric Diggory." He announces. Cedric stands up waves and goes into a separate room. Everyone claps for him as well.

"Great we'll never win. He's a Hufflepuff. He's not fit for this." Draco mumbles. I slap him on the arm.

"Ow!! What's that for?" He asks rubbing his arm.

"Hufflepuffs are just as good as anyone else." I say.

"Geez." He mumbles.

"There you have it the three champions." Dumbledore says. But suddenly the goblet spits another piece of parchment out. Dumbledore catches it and looks at it oddly.

He mutters something we can't hear. "Harry potter." he says. Everyone is silent and no one moves.

"Harry potter." Dumbledore calmly says again. This time I see Hermione push Harry forward and walks to a separate room. No one claps.

"He's a cheat." Someone yells.

"He's not even 17 yet. " Another yells.

"You may head to your common rooms." Dumbledore says quickly and him, Igor and Maxime quickly follow Harry.

"Of course. Saint potter just has to get picked." Draco says as we head to the common room. "Wait till my father hear's about this." He says.

"I don't know he looked pretty shocked to me." Amber said.

"He's just acting. He obvious planned this." Crabbe said and Goyle nodded.

"Whatever. I don't see why." Owen began.

"No don't." T.J says.

"Please not again." I add.

"Hate him so much." Owen finishes.

"Ugh here he goes." I groan.

"Well you see on first year right before sorting. I went up to him and introduced my self." Draco started. "And he was so rude. He didn't even shake my hand. He thought he was better then me." Draco said.

"Yeah Draco we know." T.J says.

"And he kept getting worse always showing off and being stuck up." Draco says. "I joined the Quidditch in second year and he-" Draco said but was caught of by T.J

"Let's spare Amber and Owen of details." T.J said.

"Ok. So year one was the year of the rejected handshake." I began.

"Year two. The better than potters broomstick." T.J added.

"Don't forget year three. Hagrid's bloody chicken." Blaise snickered.

"And I think I have a name for this year." I say proudly glancing at T.J.

We nod to each other and yell in sink "year four the year my father will hear about this." We smirk proudly.

"Hahahaha." Draco says sarcastically.

"Is true." Blaise said.

"That's good stuff guys." Owen says.

"I think is kinda mean." Amber says.

"Oh hon." Owen says. "That's nothing to some of the stuff that I can do to be mean." Owen says.

"Well I'm tired I'm gonna head to bed." T.J says.

" me to." Amber says.

"Count me in." Owen says.

"Me too." I say.

"Good night boys." We say.

"Night." They reply.

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