Chapter 28: Dad

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"CLOVE!" Hermione shouts looking frantic.

"What?" I say groggily rubbing my eyes.

"WAKE UP. ITS YOUR DAD!" Hermione yells.

I instantly wake up and ask "What about my dad?"

Hermione swallows and says in a low voice. "He's been attacked."

"What no! Is he ok?" I ask frantically.

"We're not sure but you and your siblings plus Harry are all going to 12 Grimmuald place." She says.

"Why Harry?" I ask as I hurry to get changed .

"Well he I'm sorta had a vision of god dad getting attacked he told Dumbledore right away. Dumbledore notified the ministry and the checked and found your dad." Hermione explained.

I nodded as I shoved cloths and Christmas gifts into my bag. After I was done I ran downstairs Ginny right behind me and we sprinted to Dumbledore's office. Where my brothers and Harry were waiting.

"Come children we must get you home." Dumbledore says taking us up to his office.

"Do you know anything about our dad?" Fred questioned.

"I'm sorry I do not. I just know he is at st. Mongo's right now and your mother is heading there now." Dumbledore says. "Now please stand around the portkey it'll take you to 12 Grimmuald."

Fred nods and we all stand around a blackened kettle. I felt a tug and seconds later we in the living room of Grimmuald place.

"Ok come on we have to go to st. Mongo's let's use the flu network." Fred says and leads us to the fire place.

"Whoa. Whoa." Sirius appears and blocks the way.

"Move we have to leave." George demands.

"Wait. Phineas just came and said Arthur Weasley was attacked on order duty ." Sirius said. "How do you even know. It just happened. "

"Ask Harry he had this's vision." Ron says.

Sirius looks at Harry and he starts to explains "well I had this vision of mr. Weasley at the ministry. Then this snake appeared and attacked him."

"So you know who was like in your mind?" Sirius asks and hardy nods.

Sirius sighs and runs a hand through is hair. "You guys can't go."

Why not." I say and cross my arms.

"Because it'll look weird if you guys go to a hospital to see your father when your mother doesn't even know." Sirius explains.

"But-" all of us say.

"No you guys stay." Sirius says and an owl drops in.

Sirius grabs the note.

"Dad is still alive. Heading to the hospital now. Stay where you are. I'll send you an update soon." Sirius read the letter aloud.

"Still. What's that mean!" I yell frantically.

"It sounds like he's going to die." Ginny said.

"We have to go now." Fred demands.

"Now. Stop your not going." Sirius says. "Your father did this for the order. He knew what he was getting into. Besides you mother told you to stay."

"Screw the order." I say and make a move to the fire place but Sirius grabs me.

"No. You can't go. You'll make the ministry suspicious. They won't believe you if you say you had a vision. They'll think your crazy." Sirius says.

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