Chapter 13: 1st task

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Ron was furious that Harry's name was in the goblet. He also thought Harry put his name in himself. Now I'm not that good of friends with Harry but I know he wouldn't do that. Ron and Harry have just recently made up after Ron told Harry what the first task would be. It's dragons. Which means I get to see Charlie!

"So what do you think of the first task?" Amber asks as we eat lunch in the great hall.

"Dragons. I hope potter gets burned alive."
Draco sneers and pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle laugh. The girls and I role are eyes.

"Well if we don't hurry up we're going to miss the task." Blaise says.

"No we won't we have 30 minutes." T.J said.

"And is only at the Quidditch pitch." Owen added.

"Well I'm leaving now. I have to do something before the task starts." I say and head towards the pitch.

A little to the left is a tent next to that is another tent and 4 crates.

"Hey little duck." Charlie says walking towards me.

"Hey dragon boy." I hug him and he Ruffles my hair.

"So dragons huh?"

"Yep. Should be an interesting first task." He smiled. "I wish I was still in school this year."

"You could've of you went to Durmastrong." I say.

He laughs "yeah I could've but I don't think I could sit through the classes. Speaking of Durmastrong. How's Tommy?"

"He's good. He's staying with the twins. He said he might see you after the first task." I say

"Cool. How did Owen react when she saw him." Charlie smirked.

"Not what I excepted. She thought he looked good. She also said she doesn't hate him like she used too."

"You know what they say. Not loathing is the first step to loving." Charlie smirks.

"You try telling her that and she'll kill you."

"I have no doubt. You should find your friends in the stands. The task is going to start soon." Charlie says and I hug him one last time before finding my friends.

I found them and Tommy sitting a few spots behind Ron, Fred, George, Ginny, and Hermoine. The only seat open was between Draco and some Slytherin seventh year.

"Hey were where?" Owen asked as I sat down.

"Saying hi to Charlie." I responded.

"Cool" she nodded.

"Who's Charlie?" Amber asks.

"Charlie's one of my older brothers. He works with dragons. That's why he's here." I say.

"Did you tell him I'll meet up with him later?" Tommy asks.


For the first task they have to battle a dragon and retrieve a golden egg the dragon is guarding. Cedric comes out first and he has to battle a Swedish short snout. He does ok. He stuns the dragon and only gets burned a bit. Next is Fleur and she battles a common welsh green dragon. She doesn't take long and uses a spell to put it asleep but gets a bad burn in her shoulder. Next is Viktor he battles a Chinese fireball. He shouts spells at it and ends up knocking it out. He got burned a tiny bit. Harry's next.

"Go Harry!" Owen, T.J, Amber and I yell while Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco yell "boooo!"

Harry has to battle the worst dragon of them all a Hungarian horntail. Harry shouts a spell at it but it doesn't do much it just angers the dragon and it breathes fire. I cover my face with my hands. Suddenly I feel and arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry sweetheart. I'll protect you." The seventh year that is sitting next to me says. I think his name is Chase.

"Um I'm OK." I say trying to remove his arm but it won't budge.

"Come on sweetheart don't be like that." He purs.

"Shove off." I say but why won't budge. And yet i go to back watching the task. Harry is behind a rock. He says something and suddenly you see his broom zooming towards him. Then the dragon breaks lose of its chains and takes off of after Harry on his broom.

"After the task. Why don't we go back to my room and have some fun." He smirks and touches my thigh. I gasp.

I'm about to say something but someone beats me to it.

"Bug off. She doesn't like you." Draco yells at Chase and shoves his arm off me and both boys stand up.

"She loves me. I'm irresistible." He says to Draco. "You know you want to." He says to me and pulls me up so I'm standing next to him and he's holding my waist.

Draco clenches his fist. He takes me by the wrist and pulls me away from Chase's grasp and pushes me behind him. Tommy and Blaise then stand up and stand behind Draco. Ron, and the twins stand behind Chase. All of them have there arms over their chests glaring at Chase. Everyone has now taken it upon them selves to watch us.

"Don't you ever. Touch her again." Draco seethes with anger and hatred.

"Oh yeah and what's a little fourth yeah like you going to do about it." He smirks.

"Well I could always beat you up but I think a few others would like to take a swing at you." Draco says as chase just noticed the three boys behind him and the two behind Draco.

"Fine." Chase says. And begins to walk away as he passes. He whispers "I will have you." Draco somehow hears that and punches chase on the nose.

"Don't. Touch. Her." Draco says very angry.
Chase runs off holding his nose and cursing Draco.

After he leaves Fred asks "are you ok clove." I shake my head no and Ron comes over and gives me a hug. I burry my face into his neck.

"It's ok Clove. He's gone and we're not going to let him get to you or bother you anymore." He whispers rubbing my back. I nod and hug Ron one last time before sitting back down.

Ron and the twins go back to sit down with Ginny and Hermoine who both give me a sympathetic look. Draco sits in my right and Tommy sits in my left and we wait for Harry to comeback. Hopefully in one piece. A few minutes later Harry comes back riding his broom and swoops down to grab the Egg. The crowd aside from most Slytherins and Durmastrong guys erupt in cheers.

Tommy went to go talk to Charlie and Amber wanted to go hang out with her friend Clair from Beaubaxton. Draco and Blaise walked with Owen, T.J, and I to the castle. Draco and Blaise on either side of me. We got to the common room. I was kinda tired so I went upstairs. I changed and flopped on my bed. Today has been eventful that was for sure. I though as I drifted off to sleep.

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