Chapter 40: Sectumsempra

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It's been a month since Ron was poisoned. He's fine now and lavender broke up with him for reasons unknown 😏.

We all eating in the great hall eating and Amber decided to join us. Draco shockingly was there as well but I along with all my friends  aside from Blaise informed him too.

"So Amber any word from my brother?" I ask.

"Yeah. In fact he invited me to your other brother bill's wedding. As a date!" Amber beams.

"Aww." We all say.

"How about you Owen?" Amber asks.

"Yeah have anyone on the side?" T. J asks.

"Nah I don't have time for that." Owen says but her eyes look up at the ceiling looking for the post.

"Lair. " T. J declares.

"Spill." I demand.

"What's happening?" Blaise ask now joining the conversation. He was talking to HIM previously.

"Owen has a guy." Amber informs.

"Ohhhh. You've got to spill. Tell us the juicy deets." Blaise says in the most girlish voice ever.

We all look at him like he's insane. "Shut up that's how all you sound." He defends.

"Seriously guys it's no one." Owen insists. But she makes the mistake of looking up again. This time the post is coming and Owen has an owl coming straight at her. Blaise snatches he envelope from  the owl before Owen can grab it.

"Interesting." Blaise says flipping the envelope over. "Looks like a guys handwriting. Clove you said she has to brothers?" He asks looking at me.

"Yeah Justin who's 18 and Ben who's 6."

"I see. And does this look either of there handwriting. " Blaise asks showing me the front of the envelope that has Owen messily scrawled across it.


"Interesting. " Blaise smells it. "Amber how does Charlie's handwriting look?"

"It's big and loopy. It doesn't look like that." She replies.

"Well that means." Blaise pauses for dramatic effect. He's such drama queen but Draco's the biggest on of them all. "It's from that Tommy guy that was here in fourth year form Durmastrong."

This results in collective gasps from the Slytherin  table.  We all know how Owen doesn't like Tommy.

"You like Tommy?"  Draco says butting into our conversation.

"You like Tommy!" I squeal totally ignoring Draco.

"Classic love story." T. J says and leans her head on Blaise shoulder "except for ours."

"Yeah nothing like an arranged marriage." I say more to Draco who's sitting next to clary then to Blaise and T. J.

"So how did it happen?" Amber asks.

"Well durning the tournament we started to hang out and talk more. Then over the summer he visited and took me out to dinner. And that's it. We're just friends. " Owen says.

"Lair." Blaise says. Who has now opened the envelope and is reading the letter.

"You're his girlfriend." He states.

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