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Hey I'm Clove Weasley. Twin sister of Ron. Today is September first. It's Ron and I's first time going to hogwarts. A school where witches and wizards go to learn magic. My oldest brothers  Bill and Charlie already graduated from hogwarts. My third oldest brother Percy is in his sixth year. Then the first set of twins Fred and George are in there third year. And the youngest Ginny ,my only sister, is only 10 so she'll go to hogwarts next year.

"Every year packed with Muggles." Mum complains walking through Kings Cross Station on the way to platform 9 3/4. We reach a wall between platforms 9 and 10 when we hear a voice.

"Excuse me. Could you. Could you help me." A boy with messy get black hair And glasses asks.

"Get on the platform?" Mum asks. They boy nods his head. "You must be a first year. It's Ron and Clove's first time too. All you need to do is go straight through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it in a run your first time." Mum explains.

"Percy you go first." Mum says. Percy pushes his trolley and runs through the wall disappearing.

"Now your turn Fred." Mum says.

"I'm not Fred. I'm George." Fred replies.

"Oh sorry George." Mum apologizes.

"Only joking I'm am Fred." Fred says while running into the wall followed by George.

"Now your turn." Mum says to the boy. The boy runs into the wall.

"Now you clove."

I push my trolley and run through the wall. I see the Hogwarts Express, the sun reflecting of its red color. I finally get to ride it. I was always so jealous when my brothers got to go now it's my turn.

"Whoa." Ron says behind me.

"I know."

"Clover. Ron over here." Fred calls.

Ron and I push our trolleys over to where Fred, George, and Percy are. Mum and Ginny soon join us.

"Mummy I want to go." Ginny whines.

"You can go next year Ginny." Mum replies.

"Yeah Gin. Fred and I promise to send you a toilet." George says.

"You better not." Mum warns but the twins already have gone on the train.

"Percy please watch after your brother and sister." Mum asks.

"Of course." Percy says. He then hugs mum and Ginny goodbye and boards the train.

"Bye you two, behave yourself." Mum says crushing us both in a hug.

"Bye mum. Bye Ginny. Love you." I say and broad the train.

Ron and I look for an empty compartment. All of them are full except for one with the boy we meet early in it.

"Do you mind. Every where else is full." Ron asks the boy. The boy nods.

"I'm Harry Potter." The boy introduces.

"I'm Clove Weasley and this is my brother Ron."

"Blimey do you have. " Ron says and makes weird hand motions.

"What?" Harry asks.

"The scar." Ron whispers.

I hit him in the shoulder. "Don't be rude Ron." I scold. Ron mutters sorry.

"It's fine." Harry says and lifts his bangs up showing us his lighting shaped scar.

"Wicked." Ron and I say in unison.

The Weasley in Silver and Green BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now