Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Turns out I was worried for nothing. Of course my family was shocked but got over once they realized I was still the same person I've always been. I spend so much time with my brother, Harry, Hermione, and other Gryffindors sometimes people forget I'm in Slytherin. I haven't talked to Draco since that night on first year and I'm pretty sure he's forgotten about it because he bullies me, my brother, and friends all the time. He often calls Hermione a mudblood and my family and I blood tratoirs.  He's also always making snide and rude comments to Harry. I'm in third year now. Last year Ginny came to hogwarts and almost died. Honestly she's almost as bad as Ron, Harry, and Hermione who got into some trouble trying to defend the sorcerer/philosopher stone from Voldemort. My family and I just got back from Egypt were we visited my brother Charlie. Now we are at the leaky caldron where we are going to meet Harry.

"Honestly the cat of yours is trying to kill scabers." Ron says to Hermione.

Ron has a pet rat named Scabers and Hermione just got a cat named Crookshanks.

"It's not his fault it's just in his nature." Hermione argues.

"Well tell your beast to leave Scabers alone." Ron says.

I then tune out the rest of the conversation.

"Hey Harry." Hermione says as Harry walks downstairs.

"Hey." Ron and I chorus.

"Hey guys how was your summer." Harry asks.

"Great I went Australia with my parents for two weeks." Hermione says.

"Dad won a trip to Egypt." Ron exclaims.

"It was so cool we saw the pyramids." I add.

"We wanted to leave Percy in one." Fred says walking over.

"But mum wouldn't let us." George adds standing next to Fred.

"Well sounds like you had fun." Harry says.

We then head to Kings Cross Station, walk through the platform and get on the train. Harry, Hermione, and Ron go off on their own and I lose them. While I  look for them I run into someone. It is Draco Malfoy. Despite my brother and friends calling him Malfoy I still call him Draco. I don't know why.

"Weasley." He says coldly.


"Watch where you're going blood traitor." He spats.

"Hey. Clover is he bothering you." Fred and George say coming down the hall.

"Clover huh?" Draco smirks.

"Shut up." I glare.

"Yeah leave her alone Malfoy or you'll regret it." George threatens and Fred cracks his knuckles.

"I leave. See you around clovey." Draco sneers and leaves.

I follow Fred and George back to their compartment were their friends Angelina  Johnson, Katie Bell, and Lee Jordan are.

"Hey clove." Angelina greets.

"Hey guys." I say and sit in between Fred and George.

They start to talk about Quidditch. Katie and Angelina are the chasers, Fred and George are the beaters, and Lee is the announcer. I've always wanted to be on my house team. I couldn't in first year and second year I was too scared but this year I might try out.

They are all happily chatting when suddenly it gets really cold and I feel really sad and depressed.

"Blimey are we there already?" Lee asks

Then a black hooded figure comes into the compartment. It's a dementor. They work at the wizarding  prison called Azkaban. It turns towards me and starts to suck my soul. I hear someone yell something and a white light comes and drives the demontor away.

"Are you all right?" Asks a man with sandy brown hair and scars on his face.

"I think so."

"Here have chocolate. It'll make you feel better." The man says handing me chocolate and then walks off.

"You sure you're ok?" George asks.

"Yeah you looked in serious trouble." Fred adds.

"I'm ok." I reply and we ride the rest of the way in silence.

The Weasley in Silver and Green BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now