Chapter 2: A new Friend

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Once we got to hogwarts I said goodbye to my brothers and their friends and headed to the Slytherin table. I sat next to Blaise  Zabini. He's actually quite nice. I've spoken to him a few times and never makes fun of me despite being friends with Draco. Across from Blaise  is Pansy Parkinson. She's real annoying. Next to pansy is Daphne Greengrass. She's ok I guess I've never spoken to her. Professor Mcgnagall came out with the sorting hat.

"We have a transfer student from Beaubaxton. Miss Tiffinay Blake and she'll be going into third year." Mcgnagall says as a blonde girl walks up and sits in the stool.

The hat took a moment before yelling Slytherin.

Tiffinay hoped off the stool and walked towards the table.

"Can I sit here." She asks.

"Yeah sure." I say making room

"Thanks. I'm Tiffinay as you heard but call me T.J (her middle names is Jane)." She says.

"Nice to meet you I'm Clove." I smile.

"Nice name its unique. I really don't like mine. It's to old fashion get what I mean." T.J says.

"Yeah. I like you. I think we'll be great friends." I say.

"I was thinking the same thing. " she smiles and we watch the rest of the sorting.

After the sorting Dumbledore says his speech and we eat.

"So do you play Quidditch?" I ask.

"Yeah I was a chaser at my old school. How about you." She says eating  mash potatoes.

"I don't play but I want to try out for the team this year. As a chaser or beater like my brothers." I say.

Draco snorts. "You. A beater. That's unlikely don't you need a little muscle for that."

"I've got plenty of muscle. Aren't seekers supposed to have speed and intelligence yet they let you on the team." I retort. That shut him up real quick.

"Nice." T. J whispers looking at Draco who's fuming.

"It's what I do." I reply.

After the fear we head to our common room. T.J and I are sharing a dorm.

"So tell me more about you." T.J says bushing her teeth.

"Well. I'm 13 my favorite color is blue and I am a twin, I have 6 brothers and a sister." I say.

"Wicked. I'm an only child. My favorite color is pink. " T.J says.

"We better go to sleep. We have class tomorrow. " I say and fall asleep.

The Weasley in Silver and Green BOOK 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora