Chapter 34: The truth

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I'm pacing in the astronomy tower. I sent a letter this morning to Clove telling her to meet me here at 8 and it's 7:55 now. I've finally plucked up enough courage to tell Clove the truth about me. What a monster I'm and maybe if she takes the first thing we'll just maybe I'll tell her my task. Maybe. Five minutes later and not a second past Clove walks up the stairs.

"So what is it that you want to tell me." She asks cheerfully

"I'll tell you I'm a minute. Let's look at the stars for a bit and just relax. I miss spending time with you." I say and lead her to a blanket.

We lay in our backs with my arm around her waist and look up at the stars. After a while clove breaks the silence.

"Where do you see yourself in the future?" Clove asks.

What I see in the future is me and clove living in peace and not having to worry about HIM or my task. I would marry clove and we would have lots of kids. I was and only child and I was always lonely so I don't want that for my kids.

"I see you and me in the future." I say. "With a lot of kids."

"Really" she laughs "and how many kids do you want mister?"

"Enough for a Quidditch team." I smirk.

"7. You want 7 kids. Merlin." Clove giggles. "Do you know how much pain labor is?"

I shrug and say "well how many kids do you want. "

"Maybe 4 or 5. I grew up in a big family so I guess that's what I want. Who knows maybe  you will get your Quidditch team."  She smiles that perfect smile at me.

I sigh and look up at the sky "Clove. What do you see in me?"


"Why are you with me. You're perfect inside and out yet you chose me a person who's bullied your family for 6 years. " I say sitting up.

Clove sits up "Because you comforted me in 1st year. Told me if my family didn't accept me in Slytherin they weren't my family. You were mean to my brothers and sister because that's just how you were raised. You're a good person Draco you've just been lead in the wrong direction. " she smiles. "You're perfect to me." And she kisses me on the lips.

It's slow, sweet, and passionate. Fireworks are going off in my head. When we break apart for air I know I have to tell her.

"Clove. You said I'm miss lead right?"

"Yeah I did."

"And you still like me with all the bad choices." I ask not daring to look at her.

"Yes. Draco what's wrong you're scaring me?"

"Promise you won't scream and run away. You have to understand I didn't want this. It was to protect you and my family. You have to promise you won't leave me." I say pleadingly.

"Draco what ever it is you can tell me," clove takes my hand and smiles softly.

I let for of her hands and role up my left sleeve where the ugly black tattoo has been seared into my skin. I can hear clove gasp.

"I know you probably don't want anything to do with me. And I'm ok with that. I know you don't want to be with me anymore but I'd take this Mark 100 more times to protect you." I say not managing to look up at her.

"Awe Draco." Clove says and I can feel her fingers on my left forearm. "I don't blame you."

"What?" I say looking up at her.

"I. Don't. Blame. You." She says slowly. "I know you did this against your will and that you are trying to do the right thing by protecting you family and me."

"You're not disgusted by me." I say my voice rising. "I'm a monster."

"No. Your just a boy who didn't have a choice. " clove says. "A boy that I love."

"You can't possibly still like- wait do you say love?" I ask shocked.

"Yes. Draco. I've fallen madly in love with you." She says putting a hand on my cheek.

"Will lucky for you. " I say grabbing her waist and pulling her onto my lap. "I'm terribly madly in love with you." I say and go in for another kiss.

I'm sooooooo sorry I've not updated in like a week. May has been very busy for me with the end of school coming and softball. I also was in the E. R for a softball injury. Nothing broken or sprained just a bad bone bruise but I still have to use crutches 😕. Ive also been writing and original story for English. Should I up load it to wattpad? I'm sure if u should what do you guys think. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Love you guys for all the support.

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