Chapter 4: Detention

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My brothers set off a stink bomb in Professor Snapes class while I was in it. So Snape naturally accused me. I took the fall. I love my brothers and the look on Snape's face was worth the detention. So now it's a 8 on a Tuesday night and I'm waiting for Snape for my detention.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asked walking in.

"Dentition from Snape how about you?"

Detention from Mcgnagall." He responded.

We waited in always silence until Snape came in 5 minutes late.

"For Detention for tonight you will be caldrons without magic." Snape instructed and we handed him our wands. "Here you'll need these." He says handing us buckets, sponges, and bubbles. "I'll be back in a few hours to check on you."

"I bet I can wash more caldrons then you." Draco said once Snape left.

"Oh you are so on." I say and we begin cleaning.

Halfway through cleaning I accidentally splashed some water on him.

"Oh I see how it is." Draco said smirking and "accidentally" splash water on me.

Draco then got some bubbles and squirted them at him. I then took the sponge and wrong it over his head.

"You're in trouble missy." He said and started to tickle me.

"Stop it. Stop stop it Draco." I laughed.

"Why do you call me that?" He asked getting serious all of a sudden.

"Well it's your name isn't it?"

"Well yeah but most people call me Malfoy. Your brothers do it. Why don't you?" He asks.

"Because when you dislike someone you call them by their last name." I explain.

"But I've been awful to you."

"I know but I don't think it's your fault I think you've been pushed to become this person you don't want to be. I think your father threatens you into doing this stuff."

Draco them slammed me into the wall "you don't know anything about me, or my father." He says Angrily .

"You're right I'm sorry." I say and Draco releases  me.

"I'm sorry did I hurt you?" He asks.

"No I'm fine. Just a few bruises nothing I can't handle."

Draco comes closer and tucks a lose price of hair behind my ear. "No that's not ok. It was wrong for me to hurt you." Draco says softly and starts to lean and so do I.

"What's going on?" Snape said

"Nothing. Are we done now I've got better things to do." Draco said and walked out.

"You're free to go." He says to me and I head to the common room. I enter my dorm and see T.J on her bed flipping through a magazine.

"Hey how was detention." She said and looked up. "Why are you wet."

"I had detention with Draco. Snape had us washing caldrons. I accidentally splashed some water on him so he did the same to me and squirted bubbles." I explain.

"Oh boy." She says.

"But that's not all. Before we left He almost kissed me but Snape came in."

"Oh boy." T. J says her eyes wide. "You like him!"

"What pft no. What gave you that idea." I say.

"Shut it you like him. And believe it or not I think you would look quite. You two are totally  one of my OTP's."

"A OT what?" I ask.

"OTP. One True Pairing. You and Draco out my OTP. Your ship name can be Drave." T.J said.


"How about Malesy."

"No stop."

"Oh what about Drove"

"No stop I'm not having this conversation." I say and head to take a shower.


Once Snape came I bolted out of there. What was this feeling. I can't possibly like her could I. Well she's beautiful, smart, funny.... No Draco stop you can't think like that. She's a blood traitor her brother is best friends with Saint Potter. You pick on her constantly she would never go for a guy like me.

All these thoughts go through my head as I head to the common room.

"Hey mate." Blaise says sitting by the fire.

"Hey." I say and sit down in the armchair.

"So how was Detention?" He asks.

"Interesting. Can I tell you something?" I ask.

"Of course."

"You can't tell a soul." I say and he nods.

"I almost kissed Weaslette." I asked.

"Gryffindork Weaslette?" Blaise says.

"No as in your best friend Weaslette." I say.

"Oh. " he says and waits a moment "not cool man. You can't lead her on. I know how you're with girls. She's like my sister I don't want her to get hurt."

"I know. I know. It was the spur of the moment it didn't mean anything. Did it?"

"I don't know mate. Just pretend it didn't happen."

"Ok thanks Blaise." I say and head upstairs.

"Wait before you go. " Blaise said. "Answer me this. Do you like her?"

I think for a moment before I say "yeah. I think I just might." And then head upstairs.

The Weasley in Silver and Green BOOK 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora