Chapter 9: The World Cup

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Harry arrived last week. Fred and George went with dad and Ron to pick him up. Fred and George ended up Turing Harry's cousin Dudley's tongue 4 ft long with one of their joke products. You see they want to open a joke shop once they graduate. They've made a hand full of products and they're brilliant. But after mum heard what happened she threw out all of their  products well almost  all of them Fred and George managed to save a few. It's early and the morning and all the girls are up. Hermione just got here and is eating breakfast with my mum, dad, and I.

"Oh clove dear I forgot to tell you. Owen will be attending hogwarts this year." Mum says.

Owen Jackson is my cousin. I'm 8 months and 2 weeks older than her. She's my best friend. She lives in America and goes to or at least used to Salem institute.

"Sweet." I respond.

"Girls when your done can you wake Ron, Harry, Fred, and George." Arthur asks "the other boys will apperate there later."

"I'm done. I'll get the twins." I say putting my plate in the sink.

"I'm done as well i'll get Harry and Ron." Hermione said putting her plate away.

I then ran upstairs to the twins room. I quietly opened the door and tip tor inside. I got a bottle of shaving cream from Fred's dresser and put some on Fred's out stretched hand and some on George's. Then I filled two buckets of ice cold water and placed one of them above each of the twins head and tied a sting from the buckets to their hands with the shaving cream on it. so when I use a quill to tickle under there noses they'll go to rub it and the buckets will pour on top of them. I walk in between the two beds a quill in each hand and begin to tickle them under their noses. My plan works and they wake up yelling.

"Ahhhhhh. What the bloody hell?" Fred says

"What the bloody hell happened?" George says.

They looked at each other confused until they see me laughing.

"You." They said grinning evilly.

"I think Clover here needs a good morning hug. Georgie what do you think?" Fred says smirking.

"I think she does." George added smirking.

Next thing I know. I'm sandwiched between them in a hug. Now my clothes are wet.

"Jee thanks guys I feel the love. Now I have to change." I say.

"It's your fault you got us wet."!George pointed out.

"Yeah but you wouldn't have woken up with me just yelling." I say.

"True. It was a fantastic way to wake us up though. We are proud." Fred says using a towel to dry his hair.

"We'll go downstairs and eat we have to leave soon." I say and head to my room.

I dried of and got changed then headed downstairs.

"All right every one is ready. Let's head out." Dad said and we followed him to the portkey.

Time skip

"Are we there yet?" A tired Ron asks.

"Almost just up a head." Dad says cheerfully.

"About time you got here." A man said shaking  dads hand.

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a sleepy start." Dad said looking at Harry and Ron.

"My Arthur are these all yours?" He asks.

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