Chapter 24 1/2

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[Dan's p.o.v]

*at D&P's flat*

Me and Phil were sitting on the chairs in the gaming room, about to film a new sims video. We waited for Ava and Mallory to get here while Phil opened the sims file on the computer. Before he started setting up, I was writing some pages for The Amazing Book is Not on Fire.
The page I was on was about how we met Mallory and Ava [i know this isn't actually in the book, but shush. Pretend]. I just couldn't decide if I should wait to write this page until after I decided what I'm going to do or not
What am I going to do? I've known her for over nine months. I should propose. Hopefully sometime soon.
Phil's voice caught my ear, "I can tell your thinking about Ava."
I tilted my head. "What makes you say that?"
He smirked without looking at me. "You have a certain smile," he paused. "Plus you looked like you were staring into some other dimension."
I looked away from him, chuckling, "well, you certainly know me all too well."
"I have known you for almost... six years Dan," he looked over at me. "You'd think I would. Anyways, why were you thinking about Ava?"
I sighed, "it was about what you said back at the store." I paused and looked at Phil. He waited for me to continue, so I did, "I just feel like I should propose sometime soon." I started to speed up, "If not then, then maybe at Vid Con or Christmas. Or... or..."
"Woah! Dan slow down!" I looked up and he looked concerned. I found myself gripping my hair and leaning on my knees. "You don't need to make a decision now." He comforted me, "I didn't mean for you to get so deep into the subject. I was just wondering."
I sat back up and leaned against the back of the chair. "It's alright Phil. I'm glad you brought up the subject earlier." I smirked and said, "so... thanks."

[Unknown p.o.v]

I kept looking over the computer on my desk. Looking to see if anything had happened in her life. Checking her Instagram, I hear the door quietly open and close.
Footsteps came towards me, and then past me. "You know you can't hide the truth Tom."
He stopped and his little voice chimed in, "I didn't get the bag."
"Yeah," I said leaning my head in my hand. "I guessed that. Now can you tell me why?"
He didn't answer. I turned around and shouted at him, "Tell me!"
"Dan and Phil stopped me!"
I was surprised, "how did they stop you?! I kidnapped you for your speed and stealth." I looked back at my computer screen. "Plus, you also wanted Ava to be gone too, didn't you?"
He started sobbing, "I didn't..."
"You didn't, what?"
He started to shout at me, "I didn't want Ava to be killed! I was just jealous because she stopped me from being with Mallory!" He sniffed, "that jealousy is over now. I'm done being your partner."
I chuckled, "I'll just have to do it myself then." I called my security as Tom begged for me not to do it.
He rushed in. "Take this scum of a deal and drop him in the middle of the road somewhere."
"Where would your preference be?" He did have a good point.
I clicked my tongue, "you're right. Take him to a back alleyway." I turn and smirk at Tom. "Somewhere nobody will find him."
"Yes ma'am." I heard him struggle to breathe. I smelled chloroform. The struggling stopped and he carried Tom out of the house and revved the truck away.
I smiled.

A/N: Hey Peeps!
I know this was a short chapter, I'm sorry. But I'm trying to get as many in as I can since I was gone for a long time. Plus I have a super big project coming up so I prolly won't be as committed to the story, but I'll still be here and I'll try to write when I can.
Also, Happy Easter everyone! I got my fav chocolate and I'm happy and content. Prolly gonna have my "little friend" soon, if you know what I mean.
Anyways, have a wonderful and safe week! Love you all!

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