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February 28, 1:09pm

Zarielle POV

My baby boy was just born. Being in labor for eight hours ain't no joke. I named him Zamien Zamir Hatchett. His complexion reminds me of honey and his green eyes reminds me of Damien's. I'm starting to think and believe that these are his kids.

"Do you know when my other one will be ready to enter the world?" I asked the nurse.

"Nope, but call us when you think she is ready."

Damien was watching me smiling.

"Whatchu looking at lil boy?" I asked laughing.

"You. It's a problem?"

"Yup." We shared a laugh cause I'm still in pain.

"Why you name the baby after my brother? Is it because I told you he would've liked you?"

"Yeah. Basically."

"Cool." He said. "You know, I think these kids are mine."

"Me too. You can get a DNA test whenever the girl is born."

"I think that's what I'll do."

One whole day flew by and I think my Princess Zamia Yasmeen Hatchett was ready to be born. I was tired of pushing, and I was very sore. Why can't babies just pop out and it be over with?

Having twins was the best thing that ever happened to me. And it was the coolest too.

Zamien was born on February 28th, God let my body recover on February 29th, and Zamia's arrival was March 1st. They both had a head full of hair, but Zamia's eyes is what took my heart. She had on green eye like her brothers and one brown eye like mine.

My kids are so beautiful and Yasmeen extra ass probably in heaven crying and dancing all over the place. I miss my bestie.

I ended up staying in the hospital for three extra days, because if I went home, I wouldn't have sat down. Once I recover, I'm going to get a job because I've dropped out of school and I need to make some money. And I'mma start training to get my body back in shape.


•Short chapter, I know.
•Awwww, how cute? Zamien Yamir and Zamia Yasmeen. 😍😍
•Do the kids belong to Damien?

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