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Four Weeks Later

Yasmeen POV

"You wouldn't believe how well he treats me." I spoke through the phone to Zarielle.

"Good, I'm happy for you."

"Yeah, but this is him now, coming in. I love you bestfriend."

"I love you too baby." She said, before hanging up the phone.

I sat back on the couch with my phone in my hand, scrolling through my TL on Twitter. I was minding my business before I felt the wind being knocked out of me. I was laid across the floor getting my ass beat. I've been beaten by him multiple times before, but this time, I don't think he is going to stop.

I ended up coughing up blood. My head was pounding. He left me alone. I was too weak to move, but once I got up, I fell back down, this time hitting my head on the table, before hitting the ground. The last thing I heard were sirens to police cars and ambulances before I stopped breathing.

Omniscient POV

Zarielle was just waking up from her nap when she got a phone call from the hospital.

"Hello, is this Zarielle Hatchett?"

"Yes, who am I speaking to?" She asked.

"This is Dr. Holmes from Inglewood's Hospital. Do you know Yasmeen Wilkinson?"

"Yes sir. Is everything okay?" Zarielle was worried for her only friend.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but Yasmeen was beaten to death earlier today."

"NO! NO! NO!"

Zarielle began to cry out loud. She couldn't lose her bestfriend. Yasmeen was the only person who loved Zarielle. Zarielle and Yasmeen were supposed to make it out of the hood and travel the world together. Zarielle cried, she didn't want to lose her best friend.

"Baby what's wrong?" Damien asked.

"She's gone."

"Who and where they go?"

Sometimes you had to question Damien's intelligence. He acted very slow during the worst times.

"Yasmeen. She's dead." Zarielle spoke, letting more tears loose. Damien held Zarielle close. He had to keep her comfortable, he needed to keep her warm.

One week and a half later

Zarielle POV

I sat on Yasmeen's grave talking to her. I miss my girl. I've been keeping her updated about the twins, and trying to pick out names for them since I only have two more months before my due date. Christmas will be so different this year.

I don't want anything but Yasmeen for Christmas, but that can't happen. I wish I didn't leave the projects and forget about her. I should've just stayed as the hood girl I was. I was going to go around the world with Yasmeen, but when I go by myself, she'll be watching me.

Omniscient POV

Like Zarielle said, her Christmas was different. She was excited to see another Christmas, but she only wanted Yasmeen. Her and Damien exchanged gifts and later on, they were  going to start painting the rooms for the children, since neither of them had family. Damien had his bro's and Zarielle had nobody anymore.

Damien's family really didn't want to fool with him. They were the smart people, his brother was a lawyer just like their father and Damien's sister that lived with him was a teacher before she was shot and killed. The family put the blame of her death on Damien, for following his other older brothers footsteps. But since his sister died, he hasn't seen them since the funeral two years ago, and he had to work for his own.

Damien was homeless for a while, before he started flipping the bricks. Once he saved enough money, he had an apartment with no furniture. But once he bought his mansion, he adopted a little girl, she was fourteen and was like his little sister, but she passed away too. She died from leukemia.

Zarielle knew all of these things, and she could feel his pain. She used to make fun of him for selling drugs until she noticed how serious he was. Zarielle and Damien were meant to be together, Zarielle knew that, but Damien didn't.

Damien had the brain of a young fuckboy. He didn't want only one girl. He wanted multiple, and having hoes is what excited him.

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