Chapter 4

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A little month and a half ago, Ichigo was in the living room eating an apple and watching television when his phone rang. Not taking his eyes from the television he reaches for his phone and answers it
Ichi: Hello?
Rukia: Hey Ichigo you don't mind if I come over for a bit?
Ichi: Sure no problem because I'm home alone right now 'chuckles'
Rukia: Thanks I will be there soon
'Both hangs up'
Ichigo chuckles what was on the television as he wasn't mindful but his hands rubs his stomach and it soothed his little stomach ache that was coming. It was shortly after, that he heard the door bell rang and he got up to answer it. "Oh hey-" He was cut off by a gasp and someone rubbing his stomach a little too gently. "Aww Ichigo your pregnant!!" His eyes widen as he heard that word "Woah WHAT!!!!!"he shouted so loudly even captains in the soul society could hear. He pulled the short black haired female inside the house and into the living room safely. "Men can not get pregnant only you,as a female species can get pregnant me as a male can't" he explain shaking his head. Rolling her eyes she takes out a pregnancy test and shows him "Pee on this and we shall see who is correct" Smirking she pushes the item into his hand and watches him walks into the bathroom.

-------------------Ichigo POV---------------------------

Sighing, i took it and walks to the bathroom. Leaning against the door frame i sighed again, i looked at the item again and slides down to the floor. Couple minutes after i heard a knock and slowly got up and opens the door. "Oi-" a drink was pushed in my face and i scolded "Drink it then pee" grabbing the drink i shut the door and opens it. I took slow sips as i look at the can. It took awhile for me to pee, so getting up I walked to the toilet, unzipping my pants I let out a sigh "Well here it goes" I peed on the pregnancy test as instructed and put it on the nearby counter. I peed quite long and and walked out lwith it only to discover a nosy Rukia leaning on the bathroom door. I flicked her as he kicked me "Ow what was that for?" I ask holding my knee. She didn't answer but dragged me to the couch and waited for a while to get a answer. "How do you know about these thing?" I ask being curious she just shrugged "Soul Society Woman's Association" with just that answer I was beyond curious "What do you guys even talk about?" She smirks and said nothing as I only glances at her. My attention was on the television again as I felt my stomach hurting once again. I rubbed it and moments later it stop hurting. "Um...Ichigo you want to look at what the test said" I sighed as I look at it, it was two red vertical lines and I was puzzled. "Your pregnant" Rukia said with a shocked face. I couldn't believe it so all that vomiting, eating way to much and even my stomach all because of a child growing in me. "Shit.." I face palm as I couldn't believe it I even started to cry. 'I don't this what is wrong with me' I felt two soft arms hugging me and rubbing my back. "It's ok Ichi we can go to a private doctor I know of one" I nodded as I calm down and wipes my tears.
*******Normal Pov******
"And that's how I got here" Ichigo said as he looks at Ulqui who only had on a straight face. "Well that seems quite interesting" The black haired male looked at Ichigo and got up, he rest his hands in his stomach and closes his eyes "Yep it does seem you have develop a woman's pregnancy systems and undergoing having a born child very unexpectedly" he removed his hands and sat back down. "Yes I know I can feel a strong reitsu coming from your stomach and I read about pregnancy when me and Nnoi got here" After the bickering Sylazel came in and stopes Nnoi and Grimm "You two out of here Ichigo needs his rest. He will be dispatch tomorrow" Grimmjow jogs to Ichi and kisses him "It's going to be kinda awkward with out you there with me" Ichi nodded as he smiles and kisses back "same here kitty" after when the guys leave Ulqui couldn't stop thinking about what Ichi told him and he promise he won't tell the guys. They soon reaches Grimmjow car and climbs in he sighed as he puts in both headphones and plays his playlist of likin park and begins to draw out what was going on all around him. They soon reaches home when his phone vibrates in his pockets, he fishes it out and looks at the text. It was from a random guy he meet at the bar few nights ago. His skin was pale just like him but had color and he looked like Ichigo and had the same spiky hair but it was red like Renji. 'Ashido' is the male name. He couldn't help but not ignore the guy, they were texting and meeting up just to have a friendly conversation. He really did enjoy his company more than home with the guys. He chuckles as he felt himself smile, 'it's been so long since I smile like this' he thought as he shakes it off and looks out the window."
Sorry for not updating more you all can kill me...I'm really sorry

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