Mountain tops

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WHY HELLO THERE LETS GET THIS OVER WITH YAY! Again, I hope you enjoy this and whatever I usually say here yada yada....

Erza's POV
It's been only half an hour since the fire star fell and there's already a mass uproar in the village which we're staying at. Some think it's the end of the world, some think it's the beginning of a new way of life. Nobody's sure what's going on and most have been turning to Jellal and I for help. Ever since the star fell, villagers have been asking countless questions. We barely made it out of the place. No, we only have one goal. To collect the rare ore and collect our reward from our client.
Levy's POV
"How long has it been since we lost Natsu and Lucy?" Asked Happy forlornly.
"Half an hour and 27.8 seconds and counting." I replied.
"Sorry, what was that?" I inquired while ripping a colossal wad of tape off her mouth.
"And why should we do that?" Juvia asked.
"Well, I get why Mira is tied up, but why me? It's harsh to tie us up especially when you do it with magic cancelling rope."
"Because you're her accomplice. Talk about stating the obvious..." I answered. "Also, the "shipping army" is the reason Happy and Lucy are missing which, in turn, upsets many people. ESPECIALLY HAPPY!" Furiously, I stormed out.
"Where are you Lu-chan?"
Lucy's POV
"Natsu, you still awake?" I called into the void which filled the cave.
"Yup. What about you?" His stupid voice bounced off of the cave walls.
"Of course I am, stoopid. How else would I be able to call out to you and answer you at the right time?"
"Uhm.... SHUT UP!"
"Ok then. Bye."
"No wait! Don't go!" A spark ignited, scattering shadows across the cave walls which danced majestically with the flames. I could now see the whole ice cave and a wide-eyed Natsu sitting at its centre.
"Fine." I said while sighing loudly. I abandoned the corner that I'd been lying in for the past forty five minutes and came to sit by the flames.
"Why do you think I can't melt the ice?" Natsu asked.
"Legend says that there's a certain mountain with snow which can only be melted by the fire star. Also, it's fabled to be the home of an unnatural beast created by the souls of those who freeze to death."
"Lucky us."
Natsu's POV
I sure hope I don't run into the weird monster thingmajig. That'd be bad and sad.
"H-hey Natsu... Aren't you cold?"
"O-oh..." Lucy was shivering vigorously even tho she was close to the fire I lit (A/n I imagine Natsu's mind to be full of grammatical errors. I just wanted to say that).
"Ok, stay there Luce."
"Wh-what're you-"
"Good thing I'm so warm."
Lucy's POV
Seeing how cold I was, Natsu had decided that it was his duty to warm me up again. Now, I'm sitting in a cave and telling stories while being wrapped in Natsu's arms.
"Ok, I've got one."
"Go on then Natsu."
"Ok. Once there was a space outlaw who fell in love with the space king's daughter and they both agreed that they were MENT to be together. The princess decided to run away with him, and they planned to meet at their favourite meadow before they escaped. But it was a trap. The princess had lied, and the outlaw was surrounded by the king's army of warlocks. Full of anger from her betrayal, the magic that was meant to be capture the outlaw instead turned him into a monster and he escaped." Wow... He's good at telling stories...
"Oh my Mavis... That's so sad...." I uttered.
"Heh... I know...." He told me.
"How about we think of a happier ending together?" I suggested.
"Ok then!"
Natsu's POV
For hours, Luce and I had been creating "alternate endings" as she likes to call them. It looks like all of that had worn her out. She fell asleep between words in my arms. Now I'm just... kinda... Hugging a sleeping Lucy. And then, I heard it.
"Hello? Anyone there?" The voice seemed familiar... At these words, Lucy jolted up and ran to the snowed in entrance.
"HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIIDE! Natsu can't break out. Can you help?"
Jellal's POV
"Hang on, guys! We'll get you out of there! Somehow....." As I said this, a light, scarlet glow filled the space around us.
"The fire star..." Amongst the snow, a small, jagged ruby lay emanating a warm glow.
"Uh... Ok?" As soon as she did, a sudden blast escaped the jewel.
"The snow... It's melting!" In a matter of seconds, Natsu and Lucy flew out of the cave. Literally.
After a while, we arrived back at the guild. Of course, everyone was happy to see their guild mates safe. Mirajane, on the other hand, was glaring at Natsu and Lucy.
"Why aren't they holding hands," she murmured, "my plan was flawless..."
Mirajane's POV

WHOOO DONE YAYA UGH I'M TIRED! You know what I'm gonna say here but imma say it anyways. Hope you enjoyed this! Pls comment chapter ideas below. C ya next time!

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now