Chapter 26, Reasons

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  "I called Sam back and we talked, she wanted to know if I was going and that she wouldnt care she just wanted to know."  I tell WIlla that night when they all got back.

  "So..?" She asks.

  "SHE'S COMING OUT!" I  almost yell.


  "After the funeral, I'm going to get her, and I'm going to the funeral. Will you go with me?" I ask.

  "Of course, Hun." She tells me. "When are we going, and is Jaybee going with us?" 

  "I haven't asked." I say. He walks in and sits next to me just then.  "You smell good, did you take a shower?" I ask him.

  "Just got done." Hesays and kisses my neck, I smile and look at him.

  "Will you go with me to Arkansas?"

  "Of course, when are we going?" He asks

  "In about 2 weeks, my Mom wanted my Dad to have his funeral after her big case, so she could worry about one thing at a time."

  "Okay, Baby." He replys.

  "Well who wants to watch A Nightmrae Before Christmas?" Willa asks as she stands up to set the tv to play the movie.

                                            *** 1 week 4 days later***

  I finish packing and walk into the living room, Niclas, Jolle, Peter, and Jonas were going to stay at my house and make sure everything was in order, Willa, Jaybee and I are going to fly to Arkansas and stay with my Mother, of course Chase was going, but he had already left about 4 hours ago, I just didn't want to get up early. Chase was going to stay with his girlfriend, so Willa could stay in his room, and Jaybee and I could have my old room.

  "Ready?" I ask them. Jolle was taking us so we wouldn't have to worry about leaving my car up at the air port.

  They nod and we are on our way. About an hour later we were there and getting ready to board the plane. 

  "Bye, Jolle!" Jaybee and I say as Willa promises she'll call him and something else we were to far away to hear. We wait at the gate  for her and soon borad the plane.

                                     ***3 hours and 35 minutes later***

  We are getting of the plane and on our way to the front so we can call a cab.

  "Hey, sweetie!" WIlla says answering her phone. "I'm in Arkansas!" She tells the person on the other end. "You do?" She asks. "Jaybee, Jolle wants to talk to you." She says.

  "Hello?" He says then walks away a little. He walks far enough so we cant hear his side of their conversation. After he hangs up ans starts walking back to us, the cab arrives and the drive loads our luggage.

  Jaybee sits on the left, im in the middle and will, of course, on the right in the back seat. Willa is texting Jolle, as I lean on Jaybee, I notice that he is mving more than normal. I look up at his face and he is staring out of the window. He glances at me and smiles before  looking back out the window. I hug him with my left arm and he rubs my arm with his hand, the nex thing I know, i am dozing off.

"Kathryn, we're here, wake up, Love." Jaybee says softly. 

  "Huh?" I say sitting up and looking out the window, he was right, we were here. "Okay." I say.

  "Can I carry you?" Jaybee asks. I nod sleeply and he picks me up. As we walk to the door, Willa opens it for us carring our bags. My mom wasn't home yet, but would be soon, I remember that much from when I lived here. He walked down the hallway and stoped 4 doors down, the door to my old room. I opened the door for him and he layed me down on the still made bed.  I feel asleep almost instantly and was barely aware of Jaybee laying next to me. I was woken up but the sound of knocking on my door.

  "Kathryn! Are you back?" My mom called.

  " Yeah, Mom!" I say curlling up next to Jaybee, he hugs me to him.

  "Is there someone else in there with you? Willa is in Chase's room." She says. 

  "Yeah." I say and get up, I didnt notice that I didn't have my pants on. I opened the door and looked at her. "I've been sleeping. I kinda want to get back to it." I say nicely.

  "Okay, but as soon as you get up for good, I want to met him." My mom says.

  "Okay." I say and shut the door, right before I do she bursts in the door and  looks at the bed. 

  "Is that....?" She asks and looks at the poster on m wall, the only one I didn't take, and lppked back at Jaybee. He stans up and holds out his hand.

  "Hello, Ms. Williams, I am Johan Brolin, you may know me as Jaybee, from Her Bright Skies." He says and she shakes his hand.

  "I'm-" Seh starts before he interupts.

  "Paula Williams, Your a lawyer here in Hot Springs. I know." He says and sits back down. 

  "Leaving you guys alone now." She says and walks out of the room. "Have a good day, Mr. Brolin." She says and we hear a door shut. Soon after we hear her car leave. I look at Jaybee but stop at the window. There stood, the last person I will ever want to see......... Jared

Kiss Me Like You Love Me ~ A Her Bright Skies  love story. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now