Chapter 24, PARTY!

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                                       ***Willa's P.o.V.***

  It's been about 6 hours since we last saw or heard Jaybee. Kathryn was in her room for about 5 days and wouldn't talk to anyone. Jaybee would get food or something for her, but that wasn't often, we tried to talk to her, but she was like this, I'm surprised that she even talked to Jaybee, normally she would shut everyone out and not come out of her room.

  "Willa?" I heard her call me.

  "Yes?" I ask, it was around 4 in the morning and everyone else had gone to sleep.

  "Did you wrap Star's presents yet?"

  "Not yet, do you want to help?" I ask her, walking to the bags we had in the corner.

  "Yesh, thank you." She says as she walks towards me. when she reaches me, she hugs me tightly. "I'm so sorry I shut you out. I promise I won't next time."

  I hug her back and say "It's okay, Hun. I'm sorry I couldn't be there."

                                                    ***Hours later***

  "And he was like 'no! I love you!" Kathryn tells me.

  "No way! And that's how it ended?" I ask her, we were talking about the latest books she had read.

  "Yeah! I can't wait until the next book!" I was glad to have her back.

  "I wonder if Jaybee knows he's dating a reader." I say as if actually wondering.

  "Oh I know I'm in love with a reader, dating is the part I didn't know about." Jaybee says as he walks up to sit behind Kathryn on the couch.

  "I thought......." I trailed off.

  "He hasn't asked me yet, I'm starting to think he won't." Kathryn jokes. Jaybee jumps off the couch and runs to Kathryns room, pulling her along with him.

  I wait a couple mintiest before Kathryn runs out, carting a red ball of cloth.

  "Guess what Jaybee got me!" She says happily.


  "A shirt! guess what is has on it!"

  "One Direction?" I ask, knowing it would make her mad.

  "Fuck you! Dont ever talk about that excuse for a band! Especially when its something from Jaybee!" She almost shouts.

  "Okay, fine, fine. What's one it?" I ask her. she throws the shirt at me. "ADVENTURE TIME?! HE MUST REALLY LOVE YOU!" I shout.

  "I know! Guess what else!" Before I have time to answer she says it. "He asked me out! read the note he put in the shirt!" she says handing me a folded up peice of paper. it read: Kathryn, I know its only been a short time I've known you, but I think I might have fallen in love. I hope you will do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend.

  I sqeeued. That was so cute! I looked up at the clock and say it was time to make breakfast. Kathryn was already walking with Jaybee back to her room and waved.

  "I hope you know I love you." Holler says as he walks out of the hall, he was wearing black rivals sleep pants and no shirt. I wouldn't want to met him in a dark alley. he was perfectly toned and even though still pale had a sjight hint of tan over his body.

  "I know. And I love you too." I say and smile. We had started going out the day after the consert.

***hours later***

  It was close to 5 pm and we were on our way back to Kathryns from Alex's apartment. we had just pulled in the parking lot and were heading to the elevator.

  "Mommy! Today is my birthday!" Star said happily as she held her arms up for me to carry her.

  "I know, baby!" I say as I grab her up. "We have a huge surprse for you!"

  "What is it, Mommy?" 

  "You'll see, Baby." I smile as we reach kathryn's floor and we walk to her door. I knock and Jaybee answers. 

  "Hey guys! Welcome back!" He says and Star reaches out from him to hold her now. He looks at me and I nod handing her over.

  "Is that Jaybee from here bright skies?!?!?!?!" Alex leans over and asks me. "Why is he here?"

  "It's a long story." I say walking into her apartment. Jolle comes to walk beside me, holding my hand.

  "AUNT BOO!!!!!!!!" I hear star yell and then Kathryn laugh as Jaybee goes to sit beside her. Star crawls into her lap and picks up the canavus that we painted a Pegasus on. "MOMMY, LOOK!!!!!!!"

  "I know baby." I say as I sit down in the chair closest to the couch. Jaybee puts his arm around Kathryn and Alex's mouth goes wide. He pulls out his phone and sends what im guessing is a text to Dylan.

                                    *** About 2 hours later***

  We have all given her the gifts we bought and are having cake when Alex comes back up to me.

  "Can we talk, alone?" He says as he puts his hands in his pockets.

  "Okay,  hold on a second though." I say. We walk into the kitchen and I hop up on the counter. "What's up?" I say as I take another bite of cake.

  "I was thinking....." He starts. "I don't think they are a good influence on Star. They seem like the type of people who don't care what happens, as long as it doesn't happen to them, they cuse and have tattoos-" I cut him off.

  "First of all, the don't cuse that often, way less than I do. Second the tattoos mean something. Third, they are sweeter than they look and would do anything so that they could help anyone. I think you need to leave before you rub off your nasty attitude on them. I'll give you cab fare, but you need to leave." I say calmly as I pull out my wallet to give him a 10. I hand it to him and all but push him out the door. By that time I was to tired to deal with anyone else, All I wanted was to cuddle up to Jolle and Star. I walk over and say Im going to bed. It was about 9 anyways. Star reached up for me to take her and we went to bed. when I was dozing off, Star laying in my arms, I hear Jolle enter the room and soon after, lay down behind me, pettting Star and hugging me.

  "I love you, Willa." He whispers right when I fall asleep.

Kiss Me Like You Love Me ~ A Her Bright Skies  love story. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now