Chapter 23, The News.

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  "Hello?" I ask.

  "Hello, is this Kathryn Williams?" I hear a female voice ask. I look atthe number and see it's from Arkanasas.

 "Yes, this is Kathryn." I say with a look of worry. How the hell did anyone in arkansas get my number, except for Chase? Then I remeber Xander and Samantha.

  "This is your mothers seceratary, my name is Riely and I was wondering if you had a second to talk."

  "About what." I ask her, fearing I was going to have to change my number again.

  "This has nothing to do with your mother, don't worry. I'm Samantha's friend, and she wanted to see if you were coming back, for the-" I cut her off.

  "Hold on a second, please."

  I walk away from everyone. "Am I coming to the what?" I ask her.

  "I don't know any easy way to say this............" She pauses for a long time.

  "Say what." I edge on and shoo Jaybee away as he comes towards me. He stands there for a second longer then he walks away.

  "Straight or bent?" She asks, meaning the way i want the news.

  "Straight, no sugar coating it, just tell me."

  "Your dad died last night, he passed away after he walked out of the fight to calm down. His car went of into a ditch and flipped over." She says as I fall to my knees.  I hang up the phone on her and close my eyes, feeling the tears strain to be let out once more today. I hear everyone run t me to see what had happened. I look at the crowd, and finally stand up to face my older brother. 

  "Dead." I say and run to him. I hug him tightly, waiting for it to register.

  "Mom or Dad?" He asks me finally. I nodd twice so he knows its the second one. I couldn't speak for the life of me.

  Willa comes to hug me, followed by Jaybee, then Jolle and Peter,and i couldn't see which order they rest hugged me in, but they all did. I stand up straight and walk to the passenger side of my car, throwing the keys to Jaybee and currling up in the back seat. I hear the car start and we are on our way, back to my place I hope.

                                                    ***Jaybee's P.o.V.***

  We got back to kathryn's place and Kathryn goes straigt to her room. I go to follow her, but Chase stops me and shakes his head, I hear the soft click of her locking the door and sulk to the couch, knowing there was nothing I could do, Chase sat beside me and Willa sat on the other side. Nothing, that's the thought that keep racing through my head. Nothing I could do. her door swung open and we all looked. 

  "Jaybee." She calls me and then walks into her room. I grab the hot topic bag and walk into her room. I shut the door behind me. "Lock." She says as she lays down on the bed. I lock the door and pull out the red ball of cloth that I had in the bag. 

  "I know that it won't change anything, but I got you something. I say handing it to her. She smiles weakly and places it on the nightstand. "Later." She says and gets uder the cover. I take of my shoes, noticing the shoes and pants she has thrown off, she must have done that after she called me. I lay down on top of the covers next to her. "Under." She mumbles. I get off of the bed and move the covers to lay beside her. 

  "Kathryn?" I say hername as if i was questioning what to say next. She nodds to say I have her attention. "I love you, so much. You are my everything, even if its only been a short time that we have known each other." I say before humming I love you 5, by Never Shout Never.

  "I love you too." She says and pulls me down to kiss her. "Forever and Always to infinity and beyond." She says.


  Okay so I know that the last Chapter's cliff hanger, wasnt exciting, and I know I changed a few words so yeah. Anyways it was big huh? Yeah I know that its something that aa lot of stories have and honestly, I don't care. It's how i see it and if you don't like it oh well, its my story anyways Love you guys and hope you like thestory

Kiss Me Like You Love Me ~ A Her Bright Skies  love story. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now