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Jaeho's P.O.V

While I've got nothing to do, I went to heaven again to roam around and look for more informations. I stopped on my tracks as I stared at a row of tall pillars standing. This place will be destroyed soon, I laughed as I placed my palm on the white pillar.

"And you still got the guts to come here huh?" Somebody behind me spoke. I turned around facing a girl with violet hair.

"Yes?" I smiled while turning my body facing her.

"Trying to be innocent?" she crossed her arms and I grinned.

"What do you mean?"

"My name is Prishe. People like you are not supposed to be here." I stood up and spoke,

"It's nice to meet you Prishe, I'm Jaeho. And I swear I don't know what you are talking about." I sighed and slightly raised my right brow.

She laughed and said, "Oh please, stop it. It's irritating." I crossed my arms and stared at her eyes.

"Uh.." I looked at her dumbfounded.

"Tch! You.." then she walked out. I took this chance to finish her off. I walked behind towards her from behind and held her neck and looked at her amethyst eyes as I make her fall asleep. "You're weak."

Luhan's P.O.V

I entered the car and closed the door. I saw the sky, darkens and rain began to pour. I look down and brushed my bangs.

So I arrived at our school, I opened the door and umbrella, While I got out of the car, I saw Sehun running with his umbrella. "Sehun!" I shouted. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hyung. Thank God you're there." I patted his back and we went inside. I sat on my seat alone while others are talking with each other.

I rested my chin on my palm as I looked at the window and its raining so hard. The weather seems know my mood.

"Look who's emotional~" someone sang, I turned around and its Sehun.

"How did you get in here?" He pointed at the door and I saw students coming in.

"It's flooding in our room." Sehun laughed.

"So, why all alone? Where's Kris and Xiumin hyung?"

We heard someone running towards us and there they are Kris and Xiumin.

"Sehun, Luhan. Annyeong." Xiumin smiled while Kris waved at us.

I glanced again at the window I remembered when the first time I saw (Y/N). I miss the times when she's there. Why did she leave anyway? The three were talking and I didn't bother to have a chat with them.

Your P.O.V

I tried to calm myself here on Earth. I sat down while my head hung low letting myself being wet by the rain. I can't believe this would happen. Charlotte said Youngmin's case got worse and I heard that Prishe just died.. Tears start to form in the corner of my eyes.

Jaeho, he's a traitor.

I heard someone laughing "Me? A traitor?"

"How dare you Jaeho!" I was about to slap him but he stopped me. He smirked and tighten the grip on my wrist. I tried to take his hands off me, he loosen the grip and I shove my hand away.

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