Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Your.... A What?

3rd Person POV

The blond stood in front of her closet looking closely as an outfit that had hung there for a while.

"Its been a while. Huh, can't believe I'm doing this but here it goes." Lucy grabbed the outfit and changed into it. It was a black long sleeve leather jacket that only went down to under Lucy's bust, black skinny jeens and black steletos (A/N:<--- Forgot how to spell that :P) since that was the attire for the occation. Lucy went into her apartment gaurage reveiling a motorcycle. She started the engine and raced to the drag race area.

Natsu's POV

Today was a motorcycle drag race, but its for the girls. I like to come to see who wins since some of my friends compete like Erza and Levy. But I heard that an old champion is coming to race again. After a few minutes, A girl raced in into the arena, she skidded her bike and  came to a stop, she put her foot down to balance. she put the kick stand down and took off her bike helmet flipping her long blond hair.

"LUCY?!" I shouted, I ran over to her and her motorcycle.

"Your the old champion!?" I shouted shocked to hear the my girlfriend is a motorcycle rider.

"Yep, surprising isn't it?" Lucy smirked, looking as sexy as ever.

"Well, I'm going to go watch from the sidelines, good luck!"

"Hunny I don't need luck."

3rd Persons POV

The blond got on to her bike and drove to the starting line. One of the guys held the flag and waved it in the air stating the race. Lucy sped up and was in first place, she continued to lead the race for the next last laps.

Lucy finished in first and all the bikers were mad, since thet've never met Lucy. In fact, Lucy was a motorcycle legend, but she quit since she wasn't into it as when she first started. But today was the arising of a new.

Natsu came over to Lucy and they had a little kiss until someone shouted 'Get a ROOM!' making then pull apart and laugh. Lucy went home with Natsu after she changed out of her racing outfit. They watched movies and laughed at jokes. Lucy later went home.

When Lucy came home, her apartment was trashed. "The hell happened here?!" Lucy walked around picking up everything. Broken plates, tipped over trash cans, food, water, and somehow dog crap, it was everywhere. Lucy went into her room and everything was destroyed, her mirror, her drawer and some of her clothes. The blond looked over and saw a note, she pinked it up and read aloud:

Dear Lucy,

I understand your trying to steal my man, but I won't let you do that. i want you do break up with Natsu. If you don't, worst things will happen to you.

~ Lisanna.

The blond dropped the note and went to her phone, she called Natsu and explained everything to him. Natsu came over to Lucys place and saw everything was a mess. Natsu called the police and filled a report.

But the best is yet to come.


This chapter is dedicated to @Mika_Fairytail Thx for the great idea and I was able to update today! The picture above is Lucy's bike that she rides in this chapter. If I don't update for a while its because I have recently joined the track team at school and its really tiring any way I hoped you enjoyed!

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