Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


3rd Person POV

The Pinkette awakes feeling a heavy weight on his chest, he looks down and see's the blonde sleeping peacefully, blushing at first, he watches the girl sleep, he smiles. It felt like hours while watching the girl, Natsu soon falls back asleep, not knowing what will happen next.

Lucy's POV

I felt them, his eyes on mine, his figure was a blur, I reached out to him, but he dissapeared, I fall to my knees crying.

"When will I find him mommy?" I whispered.

"You will find him soon, he may be closer than you think. You will fine your true love soon." My mother spoke, but after that everything went black.







I open my eyes slowly, I look around my surroundings, i'm in the living room. I feel something warm on my left breast, I look, only to see a-a h-hand?! My face turns crimson red, I follow the arm it belongs to.

"N-Natsu?" I spoke, he blinked open his eyes, and looked at me.

At first he didn't notice, but the his eyes go wide. He quickly moved his hand an sat up as well as I. We sat in silence with red faces, my arms were crossed over my big bust, Natsu finally broke the silence.

"I-Ill be l-leaving now." Natsu got up, put a piece of paper on the coffee table and left. My heart started to beat, I move my hand over my heart.

What have you done to me?

Lisanna's POV

Damn her, trying to steal Natsu away isn't she? I don't think so, I'm going to show her who's boss.

Back To Lucy!

 After washing up, I grabbed my shoulder bag and headed out. Locked my front door, I walked along the side walk that leads to the mall. I crossed an alley way, I saw something I wish I didn't see.


I kept walking. Why do I feel this way? Why is my heart beating so fast? I quickly walked home, I closed my front door behind me after walking in, I leaned on the door and slided down to the floor hugging my knees, warm liquid streamed down my face. Tears?


Walking past the alley way, I looked over seeing Natsu kissing Lisanna, I pretended to not notice and kept walking.

End Of FlashBack

I got up and went to the couch, I looked at the paper Natsu left, it was his phone number, I put it in my phone. I layed down and thought.

What did you do to me, Natsu?

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