Chapter 18 (for real update)

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Song for this chapter:

Without You
By: Breaking Benjamin

This song seems perfect for the chapter because Jacob is going through tough circumstances with the condition of his mate and is forced to call upon a dark piece of his past.

Enjoy the update everyone!! And I'd love to hear any of your theories you have for this chapter! :)


Jacob POV

The person on the other line finally picked up the phone and said, "Hello??"

"It's Jacob... I need a favor..." I said in a urgent, emotion filled, thick voice.

I was chewing my lip as I waited for his response. My wolf was growling impatiently. I was growling lowly but on the inside I felt dead. It was as if the whole world was moving in slow motion around me.

Time seemed to be at an utter standstill as I listened to his breathing on the other end of the phone. I was holding my own breath as I waited for his response.

The seconds ticking by painfully..            


After a moment I heard him sigh and he said in a rough almost raspy voice,"What do you need from me son?? What a pleasure it would be to do something for my boy."

I growled and said through clenched teeth," It isn't for me. It is for someone I care about."

He laughed at my words and said,"Not a selfish desire from my boy? This is a first.. Just like the time you asked me to help you sneak out that girl from your room one night, before your Mom found out.."

I clenched my teeth together tightly and allowed a sharp breath to be released from my lips. "Don't you ever bring that up again!" I snarled. I pinched the bridge of my nose together tightly and took a moment to allow myself to calm down.

I squeezed my eyes closed and felt my body slowly start to tremble. I felt my knees shaking and sobs building up in my chest. My throat became thick with emotion and I leaned against the wall while slowly sinking to my feet. My knees pressed to my chest. A few choked sobs escaped my lips and I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks as my body trembled faster and I put my hand across my face.

On the other line I could hear just his breathing through the microphone and I'm sure to him I must be sounding like a dying whale . I could care less honestly.

I was too wrapped up in my own emotions to bother caring what he might be thinking of me right about now. Perhaps he was thinking about how weak I really was.

About how I was a disgrace to him.

About how i had utterly disappointed him in every humanly way possible.

About how weak of a leader I was for this pack.

I was a strong alpha. Just like my father was. But the difference between my father and I and the way that we ran the pack was what made him disapprove of me as the current Alpha.

My father, He ruled with absolute power. He made every decision and demanded absolute respect from every pack member. If any of his rules were disobeyed punishment would immediately follow the transgression that was made.

I am not like that. I don't punish my pack members unless it is inevitable. My pack members gave me more respect than they did my father wholly.

They respected him because they were forced and the threat of punishment was always above their heads. Unless it is my prisoners no member of my pack is ever harmed by my hand.

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