Chapter 34: Acceptance

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Song for this chapter "A Thousand Years"

Written by Christina Perri

Yes I know this song is in Twilight but its not why I chose it and this isn't Twilight. The reason I chose this song is because it is emotional and the lyrics even talk about how she is afraid to fall and when she finds the one for her all of her doubts go away. And they have waited their existence to find one another and will spend the rest of their existence together. And if you listen to the lyrics it will make more sense about what I am trying to convey.

ANYWAYSSSS enjoy the chapter !!


Jacob POV

I sat in the waiting room for hours, occasionally getting up to drink water or eat something.

My mind wouldn't stop racing and it wouldn't shut up.

I couldn't help but sit here helplessly and worry about her. I was rather pissed at the fact that Scott said no one could see her for a period of time.

I laid my head down on my shoulder and I think for a moment I managed to drift off to sleep.

The next thing I knew Scott was standing in the room telling everyone to get up and go freshen up. I looked outside and saw that it was evening time probably and I stood up and stretched.

A shower and a change of clothes didn't sound too bad. And I knew better than to try and argue with Scott about it so I went into one of the spare rooms and closed the door behind me.

I didn't want to be far from her in case she needed me so I chose one of the spare rooms as a compromise.

I slipped out of my clothes and walked into the bathroom and turned on the water in the shower.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my shoulder tenderly it was a tad sore after what happened with my father.

I stood in front of the mirror as I waited for the water to warm up and I stared at the faint bite mark on my shoulder that was barely visible, but I couldn't manage to ignore it. I stared at my reflection and saw exactly how tired and worn I was. I saw visible bags and dark shadows under my eyes and sighed. For a moment I thought I saw a flash of red in my eyes and my heart began to race in fear at the possibility. I gripped the counter for stability and shook my head closing my eyes.

I probably just imagined it.

I am very sleep deprived and been under a lot of stress lately after all.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes and looked in the mirror again.

Again there was a flash of red in my eyes and I sucked in a sharp breath and turned and quickly stepped into the shower.

I'm going crazy. I just know it.

I put my head under the shower head and ran my hands through my hair and rubbed my eyes repeatedly as if I could rub away all of my stress from recent events.

After washing my hair I finished cleaning myself up and stepped out of the shower onto the bathmat and wrapped myself in a towel from the waist up. I grabbed a second towel and dried my hair and then stepped out of the bathroom and found a spare set of clothes on the bed. I sighed softly and put on the shorts and shirt. I turned to my left and found a tray of food sitting on the bedside table and I sighed. I didn't have much of an appetite but I knew I should eat something so I ate the jello and the mashed potatoes and bread on the tray and a couple bites of the turkey sitting on the plate. I then pushed the tray away and climbed into the bed and got under the covers. I knew Scott wouldn't let me see her until tomorrow morning so I didn't want to be awake and away from her longer than I had to so I let myself drift off to sleep.

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