Chapter 22: Part II

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Song for this chapter:
"Animal I Have Become"
Three Days Grace

Whose ready for the next part of this chapter?! I had so much fun writing it! I'm so evil though! But I love it!

Be on your toes , because from this point on of the book, you will be on your toes from here on out! So get comfy!



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Odin POV

I threw the phone's remains against the wall, scattering the pieces of the phone as they bounced and ricocheted off the wall.

In the moments following the execution of my phone after I had hung up with my son on the phone-

My son. Those two little words felt so foreign on my tongue. Never in so long had I uttered those two words.

For the first time in nearly seven years we had spoken and again our conversation had ended with hateful words and the anger we felt towards one another was ever prominent.

I wasn't angry about my son for the death of my mate..

That was my fault and fully to be blamed on me.

We both knew that.

What I was angry at him for was his abandonment.

He left me after his mother, my mate, died and left me to pick up the broken pieces of my heart and of myself.

I was grief stricken at the loss of my beloved. And he was grieving for his mother. But he should have been there with me. We should have grieved together.

As a family should.

I was alone.

And he was too.

He lost a mother.

I lost my wife, my mate, my lover, my bestfriend, and my other half.

I lost myself that day when I lost her.

I lost my wife, I lost the love I had felt and grown so accustomed to, and I lost my son too. Our relationship was destroyed and I turned into a commander towards my son instead of a father and I turned into a tyrant when it came to ruling over the pack.

I snapped at anyone and everyone when they dared to cross me. When they dared to question my judgement, they paid the price. Whether it be labor or beatings, they paid for their actions.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt arms wrap around my waist and a pair of lips pressed against my back. I snarled angrily turning around to face the woman, who minutes ago I had just fucked mercilessly.

Her eyes widened to saucers and fear was shining bright within her eyes. A startled gasp escaped her lips and upon my hearing it , it just angered me further. As I looked into her eyes I saw my eyes were blazing with fury, rage, and ever present anger.

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