Chapter 35: Not Too Late To Apologize

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The Song for this chapter is "We Need Love "

Written By John Legend

I hope you enjoy this update it is close to 4000 words.

Also since its summer I should be able to update more regularly.


Emma POV

"Will you accept me as your mate my beautiful Emma?" he asked me.

My heart began racing and I bit my lip while shyly nodding, "I will. Will you accept me?" I asked him nervously.

He laughed and kissed my hand, "I already did the moment I saw you."

I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek and then wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered into his neck, "You're stuck with me then."

He wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly and buried his face in my shoulder and whispered, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

And for the first moment in a long time... I felt truly happy.

And I couldn't believe the fact that he just accepted me! My heart was going ninety miles a minute. He really does want me... I trembled with happiness I was so ecstatic.

So many amazing things happened once I opened my eyes this morning!

First Jacob was so sweet and made me an incredible breakfast and on top of that he has been very kind and understanding of what happened with Derek. And to top it all off he asked me to accept him as my mate and of course I said yes and I am so so so happy he accepted me. Im really in shock that he did accept me.

After a moment he released me and settled for holding my hand as I felt his fingers intertwine with mine.

I moved my hand over to my left arm and ran my fingers down my left arm and noticed an absence of tubes and Jacob said softly, "Um no one is really 100% sure how to explain it but we think the bite of the beast healed you completely after you had all of my father's blood pumped through you during the transfusion. Probably resulted in the production of antibodies and assisted you in the healing process. "

I nodded softly my mouth making an "O" shape and my hand instinctively flew up to my shoulder where the bite had been placed and I trembled slightly as I remembered how I got it.

I heard a low growl emit from Jacob and I knew he wasn't happy about what happened but I on the other hand was confused. I bit my lip debating on how to ask Jacob about what happened. After a moment I finally forced myself to get the words out and said, "Um, Jacob I have a question... H-how did this happen... L-like what did I do to upset him."

I felt his hand tighten around mine and he said through a strained voice, "So um, there's some things I need to talk to you about and-"

He was cut off mid sentence as I heard a strong whoosh sound and what I assume was the door, fly open and hit the wall. I raised a brow in confusion and was about to ask when all of a sudden arms wrapped around me tightly, "Emma!!! I'm so so so happy you're okay!"

I smiled big and wrapped my arms tighter around him burying my face in his large chest as he held me close to him, "Emmett! How did you get here? Well I guess the question is why you are? And how did you know where I was?" I trailed off wondering what exactly led up to him getting here.

I really paused for a moment and wondered seriously how did he get here and find me? I didn't tell anyone where I went after I left Andy- I paused mid thought when Emmett ruffled my hair and pushed me back down gently onto the bed and said while still holding my hand, "It is a very very long story-"

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