Chapter 4

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Emma POV

As we approached the restaurant the car slowed down I waited until it stopped to reach over and brush my fingers against the buckle of the seatbelt and then impressed the button down to unbuckle.

It was only then did I hear the door open to the other side of the car and I was suddenly pulled to my feet.

"Derek? Why did you do that so Suddenly?" I asked with uncertainty. It kind of made me get chills. Not in a good way..

He shut the door to the car and placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to the restaurant doors.

I bit my lip uncertainly as I thought maybe this date wasn't a good idea after all... There doesn't seem to be something right...

Derek led me to the table once we were inside since there was a sign the restaurant was not like those that required you to be seated by the hostess.

Derek pulled my chair back and let me sit down before going to the other side of the table and sitting down himself.

I folded my hands in my lap uncomfortably due to the butterflies that were in the pit of my stomach fluttering around frantically.

For a few minutes we sat there in an eerie silence until I heard the menu I assume snap shut and a person approach.

"Hello, I am you waitress tonight what can I get you two to drink?"

Derek then replied,"A glass of wine and for the lovely lady, she would like ..."

I then said," a Shirley temple please."

The waiter must have smiled and then said,"coming right up. Can I get you two an appetizer in the meantime ? Some cheese sticks? Bread sticks?"

Derek then spoke and said,"both is fine." In a rather hurried way did he reply.

I scrunched my eyebrows together as I tried to analyze my date.

As I sat there rather awkwardly Derek then said,"so tell me about yourself.."

I cleared my throat and said,"well I come from Blood Rose pack and you obviously know my father is the alpha. And I love music.. And sitting in the sun and feeling the warmth on my face.. I am eighteen and I haven't had the best childhood growing up... I haven't always been a favorite In the pack.." I said as my voice grew quieter at the end. I was getting too consumed in my own grief. But not consumed enough to over look the growl that escaped his lips when I mentioned my father and pack.

Before he could reply the waitress returned and said,"here are your drinks and appetizers. Are you two ready to order?"

Derek ordered some pasta dish and then I ordered a fettuccine Alfredo and then handed her the menus as she went to take our food orders to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry to hear you have had such a rough upbringing. Maybe I could take you somewhere after dinner and treat you to something special. I could show you a whole new world and give you the opportunity to have a whole new life. All you have to do is come with me."

"I don't even know you. Why the hell should I go with you? Why should I trust you after your little stunt from earlier?"

He must have growled again but stopped the moment when the waitress returned. This wolf is definitely up to something.

After the waitress gave us our food she left and left Derek and I to ourselves.

I grabbed a cheese stick and took a bite. Chewing it slowly as I waited for Derek to say something.

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