Chapter 8

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Song for this chapter is ...
"Without you" by Mariah Carrey ..
It seems fitting for this chapter you will see why!!!

Also just want to say a quick thank you for all the reads votes and comments I can't tell you how much it means to me!

I love you all and enjoy this chapter!!! ;)

Dedicated to RhiannonofAvolan and debbie_evanfurn :)
And the rest of my soul sisters out there <3

Enjoy the chappie!

Andy POV

I called after Emma multiple times to come back but she ignored my calls. The moment I saw her enter the pack house I knew it would be hell to find her. I would literallly have to track her down. Meaning i would have to separate her scent from the huundred of others in this house.

I dont understand why she won't let herself be happy. But she keeps using her situation as an excuse. It is absoultely ridiculous. Yes people have turned her down before because of it but when she does find her mate... she needs to open up and step out of the cage she has put herself in. Goddess knows what might happen if she would allow herself to be loved, I just wish she would stop pushing the ones who do love her away. It hurts more than she realizes.

When she was crying in my arms today I felt my heart breaking for her. I wanted so badly to wipe every tear from her eyes and tell her everyhting would be okay. To tell her that even though she thinks she cant be loved by anyone for the way she is, that is possible. That someone does love her, that every aspect of her is perfect.

I just wish she would realize that someone does love her and that she wasnt so oblivious to it.

Once I found her scent grow stronger in a hallway I looked around desperately. A sound of a car caught my attention from outside and I ran to the window just as she was getting in the car as it drove off. And she didnt leave alone either.

A growl escaped my lips when I caught a whiff of a male scent with hers.

A part of me shattered right then and there.

I swallowed and watched the car as it disappeared down the road.

I didnt recognize the scent of the male but i had a feeling somethiung was wrong.

I gripped my hair as my fingers tangled in my hair and I pulled at the roots.

Oh shit. The alpha is going to f*cking kill me. I let his daughter out of my sight, I am probably the reason she just got in that car. She was so angry at me.... And there is no telling if her anger towards me possibly caused her to make an extremely reckless decision that could be extremely dangerous. My goddess if she got in that car with a f*cking rogue or a vampire or some enemy alpha. I felt myself pale at the thought.

I mentally battled the thought of following her.

Should I???

No... she would be even more angry with me... She would hate me. Never even speak to me again. She might even stop being my best friend. She would feel so betrayed if I followed her.

I dug my nails into my sides as my mind raced with linages of Emma in danger and her hating me for following her.

What do i do?!

I let out a large breath and thought as calmly as possible.. Give her till dark??? if she isn't back before dark I am getting help and going after her.

I sat down on the window sill and stared out the window praying to the moon goddess that she would watch over Emma and protect her.

******************************** * hours later. 845pm****************************************

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