Chapter 13

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This is close to what I imagine Emmett and Elaine looking like.. I can find better pics later.. But for now! These will have to do lol!
Enjoy the update!


Jacob POV

After another two hours of pacing, growling, snarling, and almost pulling my hair out I mindlinked Dr. Scott. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to know something! I was kinda two steps from going off the deep end.

"Dr. Scott how is she???"

He growled irritated that I was interrupting his tedious and extremely critical work at the moment and said, "D*mmit Jacob if you ask me one more time how she is... I will storm out there and knock you out with a sedative!" He threatened.

I growled and said, 'You didn't answer my d*mn question!'

Scott growled back through the link and said, "Why should I ?! It's not like you listen anyways!'

I growled and responded in a whine, 'Not true.. Name one time.'

I could mentally picture him giving me the 'are you sh*tting me' look.

He growled and said 'Oh lets see.. How about the time when I tried to tell you about your mate and her critical condition.. how about when I told you to be careful when out there fighting... how about when-'

I growled and said "Alright point taken. And I said one time.."

I could just see him rolling his eyes and then he responded saying 'The list was just too long... I couldn't simply just say ONE time... '

I glared at the floor and mentally flipped him off and then said in a tense tone, "Scott I am serious... How is she??? I am kinda losing my mind out here...'

He was quiet for a moment before he said "It is too early to tell... that wolf did a number on her. Had he been there on top of her any longer he probably would have torn up some of her most vital organs.. her stomach.. her small and large intestine... her liver... What do we know about the wolf that did this to her??'

I growled and clenched my fist angrily. "Not much...'

I could see him rubbing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose as he responded and said, 'why??'

I remained silent. My lips pursed. I knew exactly why.

He sounded tired yet irritated through the link and he said 'You killed the d*mn bastard didn't you..'

I swallowed and said in a quiet voice "yeah...'

He let out another growl and said "We will have to find out more on her attack.. It doesn't make sense... That couldn't have been a coincidence... What if-'

All of a sudden he went silent on his side of the link. Panic filled my entire being at his silence. Never before had i hated silence with such a passion the way I did right now.


I waited for him to respond, but there was no answer.

'Scott! Talk to me man! What the h*ll is happening?!'

He didn't answer and my heart began to speed up. My breathing became laboured and my heart I could feel hammering in my chest.

"Scott!! Answer me d*mmit!"

I ran a hand through my hair as I sucked in quick short breaths as my breathing accelerated and my chest began to rise and fall at an unnaturally fast rate.

I pulled at the roots and instantly Jason, my beta, and Kyle, my third, were at my sides instantly.

Worry etched on their faces and reflected in their eyes as they stared into mine. Desperately trying to figure out what my current state of panic was caused by.

"Emma!"I cried out in a strangled tone. My voice catching and my knees began to tremble.

Instantly three additional pairs of eyes flew to my face. Worry and curiosity reflected in their eyes as well.

The Alpha male rushed over to me and put a hand on my shoulder and forced me to look at him. His body was trembling in a combination of fear, panic, worry and quite possibly anger. "Speak to me! Tell me what is happening to my little sister!" Desperation was ever prominent in his voice and fear began to cloud my chest as it sunk its claws in deep and constricted and wrapped around every fiber of my body. Consuming my entire being with fear and worry.

I looked at him and swallowed as I said in a slightly strangled tone. "I don't know..."

Her brother's eyes became golden instantly and the girl rushed to her feet and wrapped her arms around his waist. Pressing her face deep into his chest as tears gushed down her cheeks. Her small trembling form was enveloped in his own large muscularly framed form.

I fell to my knees and buried my face in my hands. My entire world felt as if it were slowly beginning to crumble and fall apart. Until there was absolutely nothing left. Until there was nothing but sadness, emptiness, pain, and ashes in remembrance of all that was lost.

I stared at the floor as my shoulders slumped in defeat. My entire being consumed in grief.

If Emma did not make it... what point to life would there be... the sun wouldn't shine and the rain would rule all. The dark storm clouds would always cloud out any and all hope. The rain would flood the earth and try to wash away all the pain left of yesterday.. but not even the rain can't fix this. I don't think anything or anyone would be able to...

I tried one more time before all hope within me shattered 'Scott???'

Scott then responded and said 'Jacob I have to go.. There has been some complications. I found some internal bleeding that I need to stop. Give me another hour or so. Then check back in."

I nodded and cut the link.

I laid down on the floor and pressed my cheek against the floor and closed my eyes while I curled up against the floor and curled into a ball. Hugging my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around myself tightly. Tears gathered in my eyes and a single one fell down my Cheek and I let out a sob as I said with a hope drained voice "Emma.. You fight baby.. I need you to fight for me. I need you to be okay..."

I closed my eyes tightly and said quietly as more tears streamed down my cheeks and said in a choked whisper "you have to be."

I was about to let more tears fall but I didn't. Instead I was full of instant anger. Fiery anger and adrenaline coursed through me and my veins like wildfire.

That son of a b*tch. This was all his fault.

I ran back to the pack house and ran down the stairs and through the doors until I was outside his cell. My nostrils flaring and my chest heaving with anger.

That son of a b*tch knows something.

He knows what happened to Emma wasn't a coincidence. That wolf smelled like he was from her pack.

It didn't make sense and I needed answers. I was running short on time and I needed my answers now.

I yanked open the door and walked inside slamming the door shut behind me.

I wasn't going to have the truth withheld from me a single moment longer.


Hope you all enjoyed the update! Anyone need a tissue??

Poor Jacob..

The feels.. So overwhelming.


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