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I watched as Darcy took off. The direction she was heading looked like she was going back to the house. Standing there for a second I thought whether I should follow her or not. We'd only known each other for a day, well two days really, but we had done some heavy flirting. Jax bumped my shoulder as he walked past and turned to look at me.

"Why you standing over here when there's a huge party going on over there?" Jax motioned behind me. I was still looking after Darc then I said,

"Tha guest of honor jus' left." I paused then asked, "Jackie, can I ask ya a question?" Jax waved me over and I walked with him over to him bike before he said,

"Chibs," He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I've noticed the way you've been looking at he-" I quickly interrupted him.

"No, Jax it's not like tha'." Jax just laughed and shook his head.

"What did she say to you before she left?" Without thinking I blurted out.

"I asked 'er where she was goin' an' she said," I realized I had been speaking then I figured fuck it, might as well tell him the rest. "She said, wouldn' ya like to know" Jax raised his eyebrows at me and I just turned my head away from him.

"Sounds like she wanted you to follow her if you ask me." Leaning up against my bike that was parked beside Jax's I asked,

"Wha' about Tig though? I can' do tha' to my brother. It's his daughter." Jax face became more serious when he spoke next.

"Do you really like her?" I nodded. "Would you treat her right and make sure nothing happened to her?" I straightened up.

"Of course Jackie." He got a smile on his face and shoved me.

"Then why are you standing here talking to me about this? You should be going after her." As if he had a second thought he added. "And don't worry about Tig. If he sees that you really care about Darcy and that you treat her right he'll be happy just as long as she is." I sighed knowing he was right, because I would feel the same way if my daughter decided she wanted to be with someone in the club. Smiling at Jax I climbed on my bike the same time he did. We both started our engines and before I pulled away I said,

"Thanks for tha talk Jackie. Where are ya goin'?"

"The hospital. Gonna go check on the kid." Leaning over I patted his shoulder.

"He'll be ok. He is your kid after all." Jax smiled and I continued, "If he's anythin' like his dad he'll be a figh'er."

"Thanks brother." 

With that we both drove off and went our separate ways. It only took me a few minutes to reach the house and sure enough Darc's Dyna was parked in the drive along with her Bronco. Pulling into the drive I turned the bike off and just sat there for a few second trying to think of a reason to be here if she asked. In case our signals got crossed and she really didn't want me to be here. Maybe it was just innocent flirting. I mean we had only met each other yesterday and I wasn't one to rush into things like this. I ran my hand through my hair and decided to just man up and go knock on her door. There was no harm in that, right?


As soon as I left the party I headed for my new home. I can't believe I actually got the guts to be that forward with Chibs though. Hopefully he got what I had meant. I know it was only the second day of meeting him and all, but fuck it right? I wanna live and do crazy things like this in my life. I don't want to look back on my life and wonder what if. Pulling up to my house I jumped off my bike and rushed inside. Once inside I leaned against the door and took a few deep breaths. What had I gotten myself into? Also what would my dad say if he found out I slept with one of his friends? Would he think I was a whore...? I didn't want to ruin our relationship, but he couldn't really judge me because he's probably banging both of those slut right now.

Taking one last deep breath I ran into the garage and grabbed one of the boxes labeled clothes then ran back inside with it. Rummaging through it I found the booty shorts that I usually only wore when I knew no one would bother me. I wanted to actually look sexy for once, so I quickly changed into that and a black lacy crop top. I took my boots off along with my jewelry and sat on the bed trying to take another deep breath. Why the fuck was I so goddamn nervous?! It's not like I hadn't had sex with anyone before, because I had, but it was just different this time for some reason.

The butterflies in my stomach were really flipping out and I was trying to calm them when a knock came at the door. I sat on the bed starring in the direction it came from. Quickly getting up I rushed to the door and almost slipped since I was running, plus still wearing my socks. Regaining my balance though I straightened myself out, took a breath, and then opened the door. Standing there was the man that I had hoped it would be. Chibs turned towards me, his eyes went slightly wide, and his mouth hung open a bit. I felt a little self conscience since I was practically naked.

Neither of us said anything so I went to turn away. I only made it a few steps before Chibs had grabbed my wrist to stop me. When I turned back round to look at him I noticed he had stepped in, shutting the door behind him and within second had me pressed against the wall, kissing me. When we finally broke the kiss he leaned down resting his forehead against mine. We were both catching our breath, but when I finally looked up at him I noticed he looking at me already. After a few seconds he broke the silence by asking,

"Are ya sure ya wan' to do this love?" He looked into my eyes as he spoke and seemed like he really cared about what I was going to say next. Like if I honestly felt like this was a bad idea and told him that, he would understand and not try to force anything I didn't want. I bite my lip and smiled.

"I'm sure." I said a little too breathy for my liking, but Chibs seemed to have to opposite reaction, because he quickly leaned down and kissed me as he placed his hands on my hips. Feeling the touch of his hands on my bare skin made me shiver and then I wrapped my arms around his neck. Running my hands through his hair I got a good fist full. Gently pulling back his head as I bit his lip then softly bit his neck as well I got a reaction from him. He softly moaned and I smiled to myself. Chibs on the other hand didn't find it funny like I did. Instead he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder like he had earlier. This time there was no struggling on my part.

Making it to the bedroom he laid me down on the bed and he pulled his cut off and threw it aside. I stood up on my knees on the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. Once that was off he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled and pulled him down on the bed with me. He then sat up pulling my shirt off over my head. I pulled him back down on top of me. Feeling his warm body against my skin just drove me crazy. My body was shaking and I couldn't believe this was actually happening. We took our remaining clothes off and before I knew what was happening I was experiencing the most amazing pleasure I had ever felt. With Chibs, this was so much different.

Grabbing fists full of the bed sheets and biting his neck and shoulder I tried to hold back my moans of pleasure, but that wasn't possible. I really hoped this whole thing wasn't a one time thing. Chibs was something special and I wanted to see where this was going. We went on for a good long while until we were both satisfied then we were both exhausted. I was honestly expecting him to get up, get dressed, say something like 'We should do this again sometime.' then leave, or if he did stay he'd just turn over and pass out, but that's not what happened. He laid down next to me, so that we were facing one another then he kissed me. We made out for a few minute until things almost started getting heated again. It was filled with so much, I don't want to say love, but that's what it really felt like. Before it got too out of hand though he laid on his back and pulled me close to him so my head was resting on his chest, which I was thankful for. I fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat in my ear and one of his hands gently running through my hair while the other ran along my arm that I had lain across his chest.

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