Smooth Entrance

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By the time we pulled up to the lot it was already dark out and a few guys were pulling in along with us. Chibs parked his bike, I got off, and then so did he. As we were doing so someone called over to him saying,

"Damn Chibs! Where'd you find that tight piece of ass at?!" Chibs looked at me quickly to see my reaction and I tried to hide my laugh with a cough. He then looked back at the guy and slung his am over my shoulder smiling, "Come on, don't hold out on me man. I want me a cro eater that looks that good." He said after walking over and basically undressing me with his eyes. Chibs laughed slightly then said,

"You migh' want to 'ave a little more respect for tha lady." The guy scoffed at Chibs' suggestion.

"Ha, right." The guy came closer to me and Chibs pulled me back slightly away from him. I found it kinda sweet how he was being protective. The guy paused seeing Chibs' reaction, but then he continued towards me. "Like I'm gonna respect some samcro slut that's opened her legs to any bik-" I looked over at Chibs because I felt the grip he had on my shoulder become a little more tight.

"Now lis'en 'ere Mark!" Chibs said getting up in this Mark's face. I went over and got in between them. I hadn't noticed, but my dad and a few of the other guys had been sitting outside on the picnic tables when they heard this little commotion and came straight over. 

"Is there a problem?" Jax asked as he walked up looking at all three of us.

"No, no everything's fine. Right Chibs?" Chibs finally broke eye contact with Mark and looked down at me. I really didn't want there to be a problem because of me since there was gonna be a party and all, but Chibs spoke up and looked at Mark.

"Why don' ya tell everyone wha you said bout this lovely lady." That's when Tig stepped forward and asked, in a much too happy/interested voice,

"Yea, I'm kinda curious now. What did ya say Mark?" I saw Jax look from Tig to Mark then to me. We both knew this wasn't going to end well. Mark looked square at Tig and repeated what he had said,

"I said, Why should I respect some samcro slut that opens he-" My dad didn't even let him get as much out as Chibs did before he went after him. Before anyone could stop him Tig punched Mark once sending him backwards and was about to hit him for a second time when Jax and Chibs pulled him off the guy. Chibs got in one final kick before Jax said,

"That's enough! Mark you need to leave. You've already caused a problem and we don't need the cops here tonight."

"Fuck this! I'm not gonna sit here and take this shit because of some cro eater."

"She's my daughter you son of a bitch." Tig said lurching forward. Mark's face changed, as if realizing what he had said, but instead of apologizing he just hopped on his bike and left. Jax and the few other guys walked back over to the picnic tables and sat down again. I looked at my dad and then to Chibs. They were both still a bit heated, but I hugged both of them and kissed their cheeks which seemed to calm them.

"Thanks for sticking up for me guys." I said smiling. Tig hugged me back and said, looking at me then to Chibs,

"Anytime sweetheart and thanks for sticking up for her brother." Tig patted Chibs shoulder then walked off to be with the guys. I looked at Chibs who ran his hand through his hair and sighed. I got a smile on my face and said,

"You know, you didn't have to do that." He looked at me and the anger in his face melted away. He smiled as he slung his arm across my shoulders. 

"Now ya know I couldn' jus' let him say all those thin's abou' you. Plus tha's one thing we don' allow around 'ere. Ya jus' don' treat women tha' way." I grabbed his arm and began pulling him over to the clubhouse.

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