A Day Out

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*Sorry yet again for another good long wait for this chapter. Still busy over here. I hope you forgive me and enjoy this chapter as an apology! :D* *P.S. Also please let me know how you guys are enjoying the story so far and if you think my writing is lacking at all. Thanks!*


We spent a few more minutes finishing our breakfast then Chibs told me to go get dress because he wanted to take me somewhere to show me something. I tried questioning him, but he wouldn't stop being vague, so I ended up giving in and getting dressed. I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, one of my thousands of nerdy tees, and my favorite orange hoodie along with my old worn out Harley boots that were well past their prime. After walking back out and seeing that Chibs had slipped on a black button up , that he looked really good in by the way, and his cut I tried once again to get the location of our destination out of him, but he refused. Grabbing my keys and after locking up I headed over to my bike as Chibs made his way to his. I had already climbed on my bike when I looked up to see Chibs leaning against his, just staring at me. Looking at him blankly I asked,

"What?" He continued to stare then said, 

"Too good ta ride with me?" He cocked his head to the side as he finished his sentence and with that he climbed on his bike, facing away from me. Without saying a word I got off my bike, walked over to his, and straddled the back. I put my hands on his thighs, which got him to slightly move his head so he could see me then I asked,

"Happy?" That's when he grabbed one of my hands and put it on his crotch.

"Ya tell me love." I could hear the smirk in his voice, so of course I grabbed where he had laid his hand. I felt his body tense up and he doubled over a bit. Then I whispered in his ear,

"Ya seems a bit uncomfortable. You okay?" I let go and he started up his bike, but before he did I heard him call me a smartass under his breath. I smacked his back and said,

"I heard that." I felt him laugh as we pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road. After a few minutes of riding I noticed that we were heading for town. It took us a few more minutes for us to actually get into town then we drove down the main strip and barked in front of an empty store building. Chibs got off first as I just sat there a bit confused. Taking of his helmet he smiled and looked over at me.

"So, wha' do ya think of it?" Still very confused I said,

"It's nice? What is this exactly?" He looked at me like I was dumb. "What?" Motioning to the empty store he said,

"Didn' ya say ya wan'ed your own tat'oo shop?" Realizing what he was getting at I got way too happy.

"Really? Here?" I smiled and ran over to the window. Looking through it I could see their was tons of space and it would be perfect. Before I got too carried away though I turned to look at Chibs who had moved up behind me.

"How much is the rent exactly? I don't really have all that much money to sink into a project like this at the moment sadly."


Seeing her face sink after she had just been so excited made it so much better when I told her the good news.

"I made a few calls this mornin' an' pulled some strings with some people tha' owns this building an' so happens tha' they owes tha club some favors. So tha rent is tha last of your worries love, it's free of charge for tha first year." Darc was just standing there staring at me. I waved a hand in front of her face saying,

"Hello, Darc. Are ya alrigh'?" Within a few seconds her arms were wrapped around me and her face was buried in my chest. I was stunned for a bit, but then put my arms around her. She looked up at me and pulled me down into a kiss. After we broke apart I smiled and said,

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