Let's Talk

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"Where exactly are we going?" I asked as I pulled out of TM. Glancing over at Luann she gave me a few directions. Most of the ride was pretty quiet until I asked,

"Did you get to ask Gemma whatever you needed to?" She was just sitting there then spoke up.

"Yea, yea I did." Then she said nothing. I waited a bit to see if she was going to continue, but she didn't. So I said,

"So what exactly wil-" Before I could even get my sentence out Luann blurted out,

"Are you and Chibs a thing? Does the club know? Does Tig?" Glancing over at her quickly I said,

"What are you talking about?" Faking innocence I kept driving and didn't look at her.

"I saw...you know, you guys seemed pretty close earlier." Laughing I brushed it off.

"He just had his arm around me. It's not like we were all over each other or something." She was quiet for a second. Thinking over what I said I guess. Then she leaned back in her seat and said,

"I guess your right. I'm so sorry. I don't mean to be nosey or get in any of your business, but I just jump to conclusions sometimes. You must think I'm the worst boss already." The more she talked the quicker it seemed he speech got. I laughed again, but this time it was genuine.

"Luann, Luann....It's ok. We all do, even if most of us don't want to admit it. So don't even worry about it." When I looked over to her she looked slight relieved. To make her feel a little better I offered up some information.

"You know the first time I met Gemma she called me a cro eater and a whore basically, so don't worry about it." She laughed then sighed.

"I promise I'm a much better boss then this."

"So far you seem like the best boss I've ad so far." I quickly smiled at her and saw her smile back. Glad that whole thing got sorted out though. Luann pointed out the rest of the way to Cara Cara until we finally arrived.


Once the truck pulled out I made my way over to the clubhouse. Lighting a cigarette I sat down on one of the benches to think. I know Darc said she was going to talk to Tig about this whole thing, but I figured I should be the one to tell him, I am the man after all. Maybe I should have asked Tig first if he'd be ok with it before y'know we banged and everything. I inhaled deeply once more then slowly let the smoke snake out between my lips.

Noticing my leg was bouncing uncontrollably a bit I quickly stopped it. Why was I feeling so nervous? I just needed to not over think this conversation. As I was finishing up my cigarette Clay, Gemma, Jax, and Tig all came out of the clubhouse. As soon as Jax came out he looked at everyone and said,

"I'll be back in a bit." He began walking towards his bike when Gemma called after him.

"Alright baby. Be careful later." Jax turned around and smiled.

"I will mom, don't worry." He jumped on his bike and drove off. Gemma scoffed and mumbled,

"Worrying after that boy will be the death of me." She then turned, looking at me. "You got a shift today Chibs?"

"Yes mamma." I said throwing my burnt out cigarette down.

"You going with them later too?" She asked gesturing to Tig and Clay, who were on either side of her. I nodded.

"We've got some loose en's we need to tie up." Rolling her eyes she said,

"Isn't that always the case." Giving Clay a kiss she walked away towards the office. Clay followed after her and Tig was about to make his way to the garage when I stopped him. Clearing my throat I said,

"Tig." He turned around to face me. "Can I 'ave a word with ya?" He looked a little confused but said,

"Yea, sure." He came over and sat down across from me at the picnic table.

"What's on your mind man?" I looked down at my hands as I wrung them then met his eyes. I took a deep breath deciding to just get this over with.

"Brother I....I wan'ed to talk to ya 'bout Darc." He looked at me still confused, but with a bit more interest.

"I don' know how to go 'bout this so I'm jus' goin' to come out an' say it. Over tha last couple of days I've got'en to know Darc an' she's kind of peeked my interest." I paused there waiting to see what he would do. Nothing was said for a few seconds s o I went to speak up again, but was interrupted when Tig held up his hand. He then rubbed that hand along his jaw line then said,

"Let me get this straight." He put his hands down on the table and looked at me with the same blue eyes that Darc had.

"You're telling me that-No you're asking me if you can fuck my first born daughter?" Not gonna lie that slightly pissed me off, but I bit my tongue and instead said,

"No tha's not wha'-"

"Then what exactly are you saying, brother?" He said the last word with a bit of venom to it. Trying to hold back my own anger. Biting my lip in frustration I then spoke again.

"I care for Darc. I know it hasn' been tha' long, only a few days actually, but" Pausing to find the right words. After finding them I continued. "Tig, I'm not lookin' for some kin' of toy or squeeze. In all tha years tha' ya've known me, how many woman 'ave I been with?" I paused again feeling myself getting even more heated.

"How dare ya even think tha' I would disrespect ya or Darcy in tha' way?! I'm yar brother, I would never do anythin' like tha' to yar family."

Without realizing it I ha raised my voice and was now standing. Tig on the other hand was still sitting and looking at the spot I was sitting just a bit ago. It was a few seconds, which felt like hours, before he moved or spoke a word. When he did though he stood and leaned back against the picnic table.

"Would you protect her?" He asked very calmly as he seemed to stare past me and not see me at all, but I nodded.

"But would you protect her with your life?"

"Yes, ya know I would." I said firmly. He then looked at me and the question he asked next was something that I knew I needed to talk to Darc about soon.

"What about Fiona?"

"Wha' about 'er?"

"What if she showed up one day, out of the blue?" Shaking my head I sighed and said,

"Me and Fi are over. It's been over for a long time Tig and even if she did show up nothing would happen." I said reassuringly. Tig sat there taking it all in then said, as he stood up.

"If you're serious about this and so is she..." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Then I'm ok with it." I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders. Tig must've noticed my relief because he squeezed my shoulder and said in a more intimidating manner,

"But I swear to God if you hurt her, make her cry, or break her heart I will kill you and there is no where that you can hide that I won't find you." Raising his brow at me as if he was making sure that I understood him and was getting his point.

"Understood" I said, with a nod. He smiled and said,

"Plus, if you ever hurt her I think she would have your balls hanging from her rearview before I could even get to you." We both laughed because we knew it was true.

"Ya're not wron' about tha'. Tha' girl is dangerous." Nudging my shoulder with his elbow he said,

"You sure you still wanna try and start something with her? It's not too late to back out now and remember she is my kid. There's crazy in there somewhere." Again we laughed.

"Nah, I'm sure. There's somethin' about 'er tha' I really like." Tig seemed to be genially ok with this and that made me feel so much better. He went to walk away towards the garage, but I called out to him one last time.

"Tig," He was only a few feet away when he turned back round. "Dacr was goin' to talk about this la'er today, but I felt like ya needed to 'ear it from me." Tig smiled and called back,

"I'm glad you did." He carried on to the garage, but I made my way inside to change out of my cut and into my work shirt. 

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