Meeting Queen G

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Half Sack continued showing me different fighting styles for a good hour before any of the guys emerged from the bar, but when they did Chibs was the first to say something. From across the little picnic area he yelled,

"Aww, Jesus Christ! Why are you teachin 'er how ta fight?! Not like she needs to be anymore dangerous!" Sack turned towards me with that same confused look he had on his face earlier. I laughed and Tig walked over with the rest of the guys.

"That's my girl" Tig said with a big grin on his face. "Just like her old man." That made Jax look at him sideways.

"That doesn't sound like a good thing."

"Or safe." A heavily tattooed Hispanic man said. Him saying that made Clay respond.

"Says the most psycho member of the MC." The guys laughed and Clay then turned to me. "This is Happy by the way." Bobby spoke next.

"Hey now, the more crazy the better, right?" Some of the guys nodded in agreement. Jax laughed and said,

"As long as you three are on our side, then yea." He motioned to me, Tig, and Happy and all three of us smiled, which made me laugh.

"I like how none of us were insulted by that." I said to my dad and Happy.

"Can't be insulted by what's true" Happy said with a serious look on his face. I got a gut feeling that despite his name he was a more serious guy then he was Happy. I was gonna ask him how he got that name, but I remember what happened last time so I passed on that thought. We all laughed none the less, but Jax and Clay were about to break off from the group when Clay turned back and said,

"Oh, and Darcy," I snapped out of the conversation I was having with Chibs and Half Sack and turned towards Clay. "We have a surprise for you later on tonight." I squinted my eyes at the guys that were remaining and said,

"What exactly are you guys up to?" Tig came over and kissed my cheek.

"It wouldn't be a very good surprise if we told you now would it?" He gave me a cheeky smile and walked off to join Clay and Jax. Before the three of them turned to walk away Jax smiled and said,

"Make sure you have something sexy to wear too."

"Watch it" Tig said smacking Jax's arm. That only made Jax laugh.

"I'll have to go get all my stuff and my truck from the hotel then. I literally have nothing with me. I wasn't exactly planning on staying here." I motioned to the area around me.

"Happy can take you to go get your things." Clay said pointing to him as he took his cigar out of his mouth.

"Sorry boss, but I have some shit I need to take care of already." Clay then looked to Half Sack.

"Sack you take her then." Sack shook his head and quickly said,

"Uh, I can't either. I, uh, got to run some errands for Gemma." That sounded like the biggest piece of bullshit I've heard in a while. Clay threw his arms up in the air and looked at Tig.

"Jesus Christ you had to threaten the kid so bad he's afraid of being alone with your daughter." Clay shook his head and my dad just smiled.

"You guys do realize I don't need a babysitter. I loaded all that stuff myself and I'm pretty sure I can bring it all over here too. Plus I don't even have a house to put my stuff in."

"Don' worry about that love. I've got a few ren'al places and just so happens one of them has opened up." Chibs said looking at me over his sunglasses.

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