Dinner With The Family

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As soon as we walked away from the shop I turned to Chibs and asked,

"What's that about dinner tomorrow." He threw his leg over his bike then sat back and said,

"Gemma's havin' a dinner at 'er an' Clay's place. They wan' us all ta be there for it."

"Am I invited?" I asked shyly. Chibs cracked a smile and pulled me close.

"I have ta bring my date along." Smiling, I leaned down and kissed him.

"Aww, how sweet of you sir." I hopped on the back of the bike and we drove off.

I had become had become later in the day when we got back to the house and we wanted nothing more then to just relax on our day off. We ended up ordering a couple pizzas. Veggie lovers for me and meat lovers for Chibs. After it arrived e snuggled up and binged watched the first few episodes of a tattoo show that I really liked. Then all I remember is laying against Chibs and slowly drifting off to sleep.


Waking up I was expecting to have Darc wrapped up in my arms, but instead I found her perched on the end of the bed. Looking closer I noticed she had binders, her lap top, and a note book that she was writing things into. She seemed to be in such deep thought that she didn't notice I had woken up, so I snuck into position behind her and grabbed her. She squealed and began laughing. I pulled her backwards onto me and felt her trying to wriggle free, but I was not letting go.

"Telford! Let me go!" She grunted still struggling,

"Why would I wan' ta do tha' love?" I herd and felt her sigh as she gave up struggling. When I nuzzled my face into the side of her neck Darc started laughing again, but as I started to tickle her she quickly said,

"Philip, I swear to god, if you don't let me go I will hurt you." I couldn't take her seriously though so of course I didn't let her go, which I knew wasn't the best idea, but before I could change my mind Darc had somehow got out of my grasp and was straddling me. The oddly familiar kiss of cold steel was on my neck once again and I looked up at her in surprise.

"Do ya jus' 'ave those stashed aroun' tha house?" She smiled with the knife still to my throat.

"A girls got to protect herself." I nodded my head,

"Aye, fair enough." Glancing down at the her knife then back up to her I said, "Are ya gonna let me up now or are we jus' gonna stay in bed all day?" I placed my hands on either side of her hips, pulling her down and closer to me. Leaning down she kissed my lips softly then climbed off me and went back to her papers. Letting out a loud sigh/groan I decided to get up off the bed. I heard Darc laugh, then she looked over her shoulder at me and said,

"You're lucky I have work to do or I might have taken you up on your offer." Smiling to myself I leaned over and kissed her exposed shoulder and said,

"Care ta join me for a shower righ' quick?" Looking at me blankly she said,

"'Right quick'? Yea, I don't think it would be quick if I joined you." Getting a smirk on my face I retorted with,

"Why's tha'? Can't keep your hands off me?"


I couldn't help but smile when he said that. Believe me I tried not to, but it didn't work.

"More like the opposite sir." I lightly pushed him away and he stood up and as he walked out the door he yelled over his shoulder,

"You're missing out love."

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