What Really Happened

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Darcy looked so sad that I brought her over to the one of the picnic tables and sat her down on the bench. I sat down next to her and made her look at me.

"Tell me what's going on." I held both of her hands in mine and was looking at her concerned. She looked down at our hands then looked back at me.

"I never knew my mother...." That confused me a bit.

"What do you mean? Isn't she the one that told you about me and where to find me? Who is your mother by the way?" God I feel like such a horrible person and father for asking that.

"Elle," She didn't even have to say her last name for me to know exactly who her mother was. I felt the tears escape my eyes before I could stop them, but I didn't care. The fact that this was Elle's dau-Elle and my daughter standing in front of me....I broke down. Falling to my knees in front of Darcy I leaned my head on her legs. I felt her hand rest on top of my head and she got up and sat down on the ground with me. "Dad?" Darcy said in a small voice that seemed to be pained. I looked up and she was crying as well. I hugged her close to me and tried to speak, but it came out as a whisper.

"I thought you were dead." I pulled away and held her face in between my hands. "How are you Elle's....How are you sitting in front of me right now?" She was looking into my eyes the whole time and seemed to be trying to smile, but her sadness was pushing it back.

"I was....That accident you and mom were in killed us, but..." She stopped to wipe her tears away and I let go of her face realizing I was still holding it. "Well when they rushed us to the hospital they had to do an emergency C-section and I was four months early. The doctor working on mom took one look at me and figured I had no chance." I knew exactly what doctor she was talking about. He was the same one that told me about El and our child. Neither of us had known she was pregnant otherwise her ass would not have been on that bike....Darcy took a breath and continued talking.

"While he went to tell you and her family the news a nurse came to take me away. She said I was so small and was turning blue...." She took a shaky breath in and I grabbed her hand giving it a gentle squeeze. "She was almost in the morgue when I took a breath, it was so shallow she had to stop and make sure she hadn't imagined it. When she realized I was actually alive she got a doctor that was near by and took me into emergency surgery since I had PDA, which is a heart condition, and respiratory problems." She looked up from her hands and back into my eyes.

"They went back out to get you and her parents to tell you guys that I was alive and had been rushed into surgery, but you were gone..." She looked at me with the saddest eyes and it killed me. I put my hand over my mouth and shook my head, feeling the tears stinging my eyes. Before I could apologize or explained myself I figured I should let her finish. I held my tongue and let her talk. "My surgery was a success," She said and then smiled slightly. "Which, I mean, you already knew since I'm right here." We both laughed lightly and wiped our tears away.

"I had to stay in the hospital for a good couple of months, but then Grandma and Grandpa took me and raised me. Aaand now I'm here..." I smiled, but I felt so ashamed. If I would've just stayed a little while longer and hadn't let my emotions and shame to face Elle's parent's get the best of me I would've been able to raise my first kid. The amount of emotions that were swimming in my head was driving me crazy. My thoughts were everywhere, but Darcy brought me back. She was still holding onto my hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Dad?" She paused and I looked up at her. "Are...are you ok? You look so pale." Shaking my head I breathed in and cleared my head before I finally spoke.

"I'm so sorry baby." Were the only words that my brain seemed to be able to form. I just felt like such a piece of shit. "I didn't know" She looked at me and I noticed she had stopped crying. She didn't look angry though which I wish she was because I was so angry with myself.

"You don't have to apologize dad. All that's in the past. I've forgiven you long ago for leaving me. I just want to know why you did it...Why you left." I gathered myself once again and rubbed my hand across my face to clear the tears off.

"The reason I left was because I was the one driving the bike. El trusted me to keep her safe. If...If I would've known your mother was pregnant with you she would not have been riding with me that day." Darcy shook her head clearly confused by something.

"How did neither of you not know she was pregnant? That's what's always bothered me." I explained to her how El had been told it was pretty much impossible for her to get pregnant. There was a chance, but it was a very high one and wasn't likely to happen ever.

"Clearly you were our Miracle kid, in ever sense of the word."We both smiled, but then I decided to finally explain myself. "The reason I left was because I couldn't sit there in the same waiting room with the only woman that I ever loved parent's. I had killed their only daughter and to also find out their unborn granddaughter....I was so angry with myself." I balled my hands up. "I felt like a failure because I didn't protect either of you. I felt guilty for taking you both away from them." Darcy stopped me before I said anything farther.

"But you didn't take me away. I survived. The doctors told my grandparent's that because you risked your life to save mom even though there was nothing to do for her, you saved me. So you let my grandparent's have their daughter back in a way." She smiled at me and then said, "Now that they've passed on...It's your turn to finally have your daughter back as well."

"I couldn't be more happy to finally meet and get to know you Darcy." I said as I hugged her. "I love you so much sweetheart." Her arms wrapped around me and held me tight.

"I love you too dad." 

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